Two more schools satisfy No Child
By Loren Moreno
Advertiser Staff Writer
Two additional public schools have met Adequate Yearly Progress under the No Child Left Behind law following a final recount of a number of Hawai'i State Assessment test booklets suspected of possible scoring errors.
Niu Valley Middle School and Kealakehe High School were found to have achieved their AYP goals after testing company American Institutes for Research completed a final recount of some 98,000 HSA test booklets.
Scoring errors on the state assessment were announced in October when officials discovered some 1,682 questionable booklets. The errors were found after some schools discovered that students who didn't take tests had incorrectly received scores.
"At least this has been resolved," said Board of Education member Maggie Cox, who chairs the Regular Education Committee, which oversees testing.
"I'm expecting that in the next round of testing that this kind of mistake will not occur," she said.
No school had its AYP status lowered as a result of the re- scanning, DOE officials said.
Niu Valley Middle School was found to have reached its AYP goals after the recount showed that enough of its special-education students had participated in the test, said Principal Justin Mew.
Initially, Niu Valley, while exceeding goals in math and reading, did not make AYP because of low special-education participation.
"When we looked at the scores of the students, we were so well above. We had 80 percent for reading and 40 percent for math, which is well above the state's proficiency levels," Mew said.
The final results show that 184 of 282 schools � or 65 percent � met expectations set under No Child Left Behind in 2007. That compares with only 100 schools that achieved their AYP goals in the past school year, according to DOE data.
Reach Loren Moreno at