Posted on: Monday, January 28, 2008
1st Lt. Jacqueline Cash
By Jacqueline Cash
Army 1st Lt. Jacqueline Cash, shown here with Iraqi security forces personnel in Baghdad, is a former Makaha resident.
Jacqueline Cash photo
If you're stationed in Hawai'i or are from Hawai'i and stationed elsewhere, and have recreational snapshots from interesting places while on deployments around the world, we'd love to share them with readers. Send pictures to Aloha Troops, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. You may e-mail photos (high resolution jpgs) to Please include a telephone contact number and be sure to identify everyone in the photograph. All announcements and photographs submitted to The Advertiser may be published, used or distributed in print, electronic or other media.
Aloha! I am a former Makaha resident serving as an Army signal officer with the 67th Signal Battalion in Baghdad. Our unit, out of Fort Gordon, Ga., deployed to Iraq in October 2006, and we hope to be home soon from our 15-month deployment.
I am a 2001 graduate of Wai'anae High School and attended Hawai'i Pacific University. I also served with Detachment 2, 1984th U.S. Army Hospital at Tripler Army Medical Center.