Posted on: Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Honolulu fireworks ready for Fourth
Six-year-old Trevor Church of Ala Moana helped pick out fireworks yesterday at the Don Quijote store on Kaheka Street for the Fourth of July celebration.
REBECCA BREYER | The Honolulu Advertiser
City buses will operate on a Sunday schedule. For bus route changes near events, see Pu'u 'Ualaka'a (Round Top) and Wa'ahila Ridge state parks will close at 4 p.m. They will reopen Saturday. On-street parking will be free, except for Kalakaua Avenue near Kapi'olani Park. Except for paperless fireworks, a permit is required to buy fireworks. Get permits at satellite city halls for $25. Fireworks may be sold until 8 p.m. on Friday. They may be set off from 1 to 9 p.m. on Friday.Keeping it safe Use only approved fireworks from licensed stores. Always follow instructions. Never aim fireworks at people, animals or buildings. Never ignite fireworks indoors. Light fireworks on a smooth, flat surface away from buildings, dry plants or flammable items. Have a hose or a water bucket ready. Adults should always supervise children. Alcohol and fireworks do not mix. Always wear eye protection. When lighting fireworks, never put any part of your body over them. Never relight dud fireworks.
Number of permits issued as of Monday 144Number of permits in 2007 285Cases of fireworks imported to Oahu
Fireworks permit sales are down this year as the city gears up for Independence Day weekend.
Many residents, hoping to save a buck or two, are opting for paperless fireworks that do not require a $25 permit, said Eric Kimura, who works in the city's Department of Customer Services. Public displays at 11 sites islandwide offer another money-saving option.
With or without fireworks, islanders are determined to have a good time. "We celebrate more for tradition than for the thrill of fireworks," said Bonnie Hasselfeld, who is originally from Manoa.