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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Friday, July 11, 2008

For the environment

ALA WAI HARBOR CLEANUP � Tomorrow, 8 a.m. Sierra Club service project begins at Ala Wai harbormaster's office. Remove debris from the harbor using nets. Wear closed-toe shoes with gripping soles, hat, gloves; bring water and sunscreen. Call 955-4168 for more information.

ULUPO HEIAU SERVICE PROJECT � Tomorrow, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Join 'Ahahui Malama i ka Lokahi to care for Kailua's Ulupo Heiau. Will include weeding in the lo'i kalo, raking leaves, cutting and moving hau, etc. Bring gloves, water and lunch to share. For information, contact Kaimi Scudder at 593-0112 or Malia Bird Helela at

KAHALU'U COMMUNITY CLEANUP � Tomorrrow, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. at Kahalu'u Regional Park, 47-200 Waihe'e Road. Recyclers will accept scrap metal, car parts, bicycles, washers, stoves, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, newspaper, cardboard, beverage containers, car tires (limit 4 per household), cooking oil, used eye glasses and hearing aids, green waste, batteries, useable clothing and household goods, cell phones, printer cartridges, telephone books, magazines, and one computer per household. Items should be separated by type. Items not accepted are TVs, microwave ovens, business computers, paint, hazardous fluids. For more information, call Rene Mansho at 306-1876 or KEY Project at 239-5777.

KALIHI STREAM CLEANUP � Tomorrow, 8:30-11 a.m., behind Kalihi Waena Elementary, 1240 Gullick Ave. KAUPA, the Kalihi Ahupua'a Ulu Pono Ahahui, cleans in and around Kalihi stream the second Saturday of each month. For more information: 853-2218 or

SANDY BEACH CLEANUP � Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Sierra Club service project. Meet at the eastern end restroom of Sandy Beach Park at 8:30 am. Bring water, hat, sunscreen and wear closed-toe shoes. Trash bags and gloves provided. Call Tred for information at 394-2898.

TRAIL GRANT PROGRAM � The American Hiking Society, a private organization, is offering grants to help maintain hiking trails through its 2009 National Trails Fund. The 10-year-old fund awards grants of up to $5,000. For more information, go to Application deadline is Aug. 15.

CONSERVATION CONFERENCE � Volunteers needed for 2008 Hawai'i Conservation Conference to be held July 29-31. Seeking volunteer coordinator and help with audio-visual, exhibits, film festival, registration, souvenir sales; volunteer orientation on July 28. Contact Mariza Silva at or 587-0061.

WAIMEA VALLEY GREETER � Volunteer greeters needed to work one day a week for 2 1/2 hours at O'ahu's Waimea Valley. For information, call Kelly Perry at 638-7766, ext. 203.