Big Island offers free road-rules brochure
Advertiser Staff
"Rules of the Road," a brochure offering safety tips for pedestrians and
motorists, is free and available from the County of Hawai'i Public Works offices in Hilo
and Kona.
According to the booklet:
efficient phasing and timing of traffic signals. A motorist must stop at the marked stop-
line in order to trigger the detection system to turn the light to green. Creeping past the stop line will not activate the green light.
The Public Works office is distributing the brochure to transportation companies, county employees, taxis, freight forwarders and companies or individuals who offer delivery services.
To have a Rules of the Road brochure mailed to you, call 808-961-8321 or drop by either office in Kona or Hilo. Office hours are 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays.