Community invited to celebrate Ulupo Heiau
The Kailua Hawaiian Civic Club will host a free community celebration to honor Ulupo Heiau and the stewards who work to restore it.
The celebration will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. tomorrow at 1200 Kailua Road, next to the YMCA.
The ho'ike includes cultural demonstrations, a native plant sale, hula, stories and a Hawaiian lunch straight from the imu (a $10 donation is suggested).
Wear sunscreen and bring a lawn chair.
E-mail info@kailuahawaiiancivicclub.com for more information or to become a member of the club.
Event sponsors are the club, Hawai'i State Parks, 'Ahahui Malama I Ka Lokahi and Windward YMCA.
Park at Kailua Methodist Church or Faith Baptist Church.