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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Monday, March 10, 2008

Create a pile of bills...the good kind

By Chris Oliver
Advertiser Staff Writer

Hawaii news photo - The Honolulu Advertiser

Here are some small ways to better ease your cash flow � and in turn, help you accumulate some fairly hefty potential savings.

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Your 2008 resolutions are most likely history, especially if they involved food and exercise. If you're feeling the pinch after last holiday season, these tips might soften the blow of bills now thudding into the mailbox. Here are some small ways to better ease your cash flow � and in turn, help you accumulate some fairly hefty potential savings, if you put the margins in the bank.

NO. 1

Swap out your lightbulbs. Exchange six 100-watt incandescent bulbs for six 26-watt compact fluorescent bulbs, used for three hours daily at 25 cents per kilowatt hour, and watch your bill drop. See HECO's booklet "Energy Tips & Choices" for more savings around the home. Annual savings: $122

+ NO. 2

For haircuts, salons such as Aveda or Paul Brown offer free haircuts for models who work with them on new cuts or training. Book a trainee stylist for your regular cut, at about $25, compared with $40 to $100 for a professional stylist. Annual savings (five haircuts): $75

+ NO. 3

Do you really watch all those TV channels? Consider slimming down. Standard cable costs $45.50 per month. One premium channel adds $15; each additional channel adds $7. Lose two and you save $22 per month. Annual savings: $264

+ NO. 4

Like movies? Sign up for a DVD club that charges a monthly rate � $18 for as many movies as you can watch. That's the same as two tickets for ONE movie on the big screen. If you don't watch the DVDs, cancel the service. Savings (based on two people watching 4 movies per month): $54 per month. Annual savings: $648

+ NO. 5

If you don't use your cell phone much, try switching your plan to a pay-as-you-go. AT&T's basic plan is $40 per month. Shop pay-as-you-go with a $25 phone card, you save $15 per month. (And consider Skype or an alternative voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) service to call abroad and long distance, rather than ratcheting up a huge phone bill.) Annual savings: $180

+ NO. 6

Take up running or walking instead of going to the gym. Join a running-walking group to stay motivated. Savings: around $35 in membership fees per month. Annual savings: $420

+ NO. 7

Take a good home-made cup of coffee in the car each morning instead of the $4-plus latte fix at you-know-where. Skip their croissants; eat breakfast at home. Savings: $90 per month. Annual savings: $1,080

+ NO. 8

Wash and vacuum your own car instead of going to the car wash. Annual savings (10 washes): $70

+ NO. 9

Making and taking your own lunch can save $35 per week. Annual savings (50 weeks): $1,750

+ NO. 10

Family day out? Take a picnic to the beach instead of heading for the nearest lunch wagon or restaurant. Burger, fries and drinks for a family of four, $30, vs. $10 if you make it yourself. Annual savings on 12 family outings: $240

= total annual savings of $4,849


  • Fix leaky faucets.

  • Supermarkets may be cheaper for some foods, but Hawai'i's farmers markets offer better and cheaper flowers, fruits and vegetables. Support Island farmers; Farmers markets are at Kapi'olani Community College, Kailua and Mililani.

  • Pay off your credit card bill in full every month. Interest rates mightily increase payments.

  • Pay the kids an allowance � and stick to it; keep a household piggy bank for spare cash � pennies adds up.

  • Take shorter showers.

  • Use one power strip to connect home office or kitchen equipment; one switch makes it easier to turn off and eliminate electricity drains. Consider a motion detector for your home that turns off lights when rooms are unoccupied.

  • Use the cold-water setting to wash clothes.

  • With the dollar at an all-time low, forgo foreign destinations; vacation in the U.S. this year; consider a family camping vacation on a Neighbor Island.

  • Take five minutes to make a list before you go shopping. Buy only what you need. Buy in bulk when able.

  • Ride TheBus to work. A monthly bus pass costs $40, a substantial saving on parking fees and gas costs. Or walk.

    Join our discussion: Are you cutting corners, too?

    Reach Chris Oliver at