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The Honolulu Advertiser
Updated at 8:36 p.m., Sunday, March 30, 2008

Here's help for people looking for work

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Oahu Work Links has offices across the island. Services include career counseling, job searching, and job and training referrals. Some job seekers also may be provided English as a second language training, as well as training in high-demand industries such as healthcare, construction and commercial truck driving.

Project participants also may receive out of area job search assistance, relocation assistance and related support services such as childcare, transportation assistance and job-related certifications, uniforms and equipment.

The main telephone number is 592-8620

The Oahu Work Links centers are open 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays.

Here are the locations and phone numbers:

� Waipahu civic center, 94-275 Mokuola St., Room 300; phone 675-0010

� Dillingham Shopping Plaza, 1505 Dillingham Blvd., Room 110; phone 843-0733

� 830 Punchbowl St., Room 112; phone 586-8700

� Waialua Shopping Center, 67-292 Goodale Ave.; phone 637-6508

� Makalapa Community Center in 'Aiea, 99-102 Kalaloa St.; phone 488-5630

� Wai'anae Neighborhood Community Center, 85-670 Farrington Highway; phone 696-7067

� Kane'ohe, 45-1141 Kamehameha Highway; phone 233-3700


Unemployment Insurance provides temporary financial assistance to qualified workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own. Benefits are not based on need.

How do I apply for unemployment insurance benefits?

When you become unemployed or have a reduction in your work schedule, you can call HAWAII TELE-CLAIM at the phone numbers below to file your unemployment claim. TTY relay service is available.

� 643-5555 (from anywhere in Hawaii)

� 1-877-215-5793 (from outside the State of Hawaii, toll- free)

� Hours of operation:

6:30 am to 12 midnight (Sunday to Thursday)

6:30 am to 4:30 pm (Friday)

Your claim will be effective from the week in which you finalize and complete the claim filing process after talking to a customer service representative. Your claim is good for a one year period called the "benefit year."

Be prepared to provide your:

Social security number

All employment information such as:

Employer's name and address

Dates of employment

Reason for separation for the past 18 months (include part-time work)

If you relocate to another state, you can still file your application by calling the toll-free number.

Source: State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations