Posted on: Friday, May 9, 2008
'Iron Man' and 'Honor' better suited for teens
By Roger Moore
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
Robert Downey Jr. stars as billionaire industrialist Tony Stark, aka "Iron Man."
Paramount Pictures, Marvel Studios
Rating: PG-13, for intense sequences of sci-fi action and violence, and brief suggestive content.
What it's about: A hard-partying inventor and heir to a weapons-manufacturing fortune is shown how his wares are used in the big wide world, and builds a supercharged iron suit to try and set things right.
The kid attractor factor: It's "Iron Man," the comic book, brought to life in the person of wisecracking Robert Downey Jr. Action and pathos and laughs and Gwyneth Paltrow.
Good lessons/bad lessons: The way you live your life has consequences.
Violence: There are deaths, brawls, the threat of a massacre.
Language: Quite clean.
Sex: The Iron Man likes to chase skirts.
Drugs: Lots of cocktails are consumed.
Parents' advisory: A bit more adult than the "Spider-Man" movies, but pitched in a similar tone. A bit violent, but 12-and-ups should see that there are consequences to violence.
Rating: PG-13 for sexual content and crude language.
What it's about: A lifelong ladies' man realizes that his best friend is the love of his life, and she's about to marry some Scottish guy.
The kid attractor factor: Patrick Dempsey, Michelle Monaghan, and a lot of flirting and dating.
Good lessons/bad lessons: Being reluctant to say "I love you" is not a sign of maturity.
Violence: A punch is thrown.
Language: Profanity, here and there.
Sex: One-night and one-night-per-week stands by the womanizing leading man.
Drugs: A little alcohol.
Parents' advisory: More a date movie than something your average 12-and-under would like, it's for teens old enough to hold hands and share a box of popcorn, and for their parents.