Posted on: Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Help me out — readers ask for answers
Advertiser Columnist
E-mail: Snail mail: Wanda Adams, Food Editor, Honolulu Advertiser, PO Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802, or fax 525-8055.
If you e-mailed, wrote or called me in the past couple of months with a recipe request, you're probably not very happy with me — or you've found your answer somewhere else. I've been on leave for the better part of six weeks and I apologize for the delays. If you haven't already heard from me, chances are your original communication is lost; write again and I'll see what I can do.
Meanwhile, here's what you can do: Help me with the following requests.
Maui-style pickled onions for someone who signs their e-mail Kona and lives in Southern California. I ought to know this, being a Valley Isle girl, but is there something different about Maui pickled onions? My grandma's version was super simple: vinegar, onions, Hawaiian chili, salt, water. I've got a version I can send Kona — the one in my new cookbook, due in bookstores Nov. 15, "The Island Plate II" — but I'd love to hear other people's versions.
Judith Lutfy wrote asking where she could find dried tremocüos, lupine beans, a Portuguese favorite for snacking. The bitter beans are rinsed and immersed in running water for a long period, then boiled and salted. You pull off the outer sheath and eat them while you're drinking homemade wine and playing pisca (a card game, but you gotta be Portuguese and ooooold to remember that!). I've found Italian lupini in jars at R. Field, and they can be ordered online from, also in jars ($5.75 for 21 ounces, plus those eye-popping shipping costs). Dried beans are also available online; anyone know where you can find them here?
Tony Ramos, living in Las Vegas now, is looking for Island-style chili recipes, such as those served at Zippy's or Rainbow Drive-In. (On the Mainland, as you may have experienced, chili is a different animal, often spicier, often made with chunks of meat instead of ground beef, less tomatoey — and, of course, never served with two scoops rice!) Know how to make chili Island-style — send recipe.
Still looking for the right glaze for cinnamon bread. Here's what Jan Adamczyk is looking for: "I grew up in Kona in the '70s and remember buying/selling cinnamon bread for fundraisers. It had a light glaze/frosting on it and came in a clear plastic bag. Over the years I have craved this bread, which I doubt has ever been replicated and this past weekend I think I finally came up with its secret! I made Portuguese sweet bread with cinnamon swirled inside. It was the bread. What I am now missing is the frosting/glaze. I think it was probably a powdered sugar, but it seems to my vague memory that it was not overly sweet or thick. I would willingly share my recipe once I figure out this important missing ingredient."
Hey, you give, you get ... what you got?
When you send me a recipe, please include how many servings it makes, what size jars or boxes or cans you use, specific brands you favor, and equipment needs, such as size of baking dish.
Send recipes and queries to Wanda A. Adams, Food Editor, Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. Fax: 525-8055. E-mail: For more information about our 150th anniversary cookbook, call 535-8189 (message phone; your call will be returned). You can order the cookbook online.
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