Hawaii agency offers resources for those facing foreclosure
The Hawai'i Housing Finance and Development Corporation is partnering with five nonprofit agencies to provide counseling services for homeowners in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure.
"Families facing foreclosure are in need of guidance to help them understand their options," said Karen Seddon, HHFDC executive director. "Our nonprofit partners are experienced counseling agencies that can help homeowners with the complex foreclosure process and identify possible courses of action so they can make informed decisions."
HHFDC is also partnering with the Legal Aid Society of Hawai'i to assist homeowners with legal issues directly related to their foreclosure, delinquency or short sale. HHFDC was awarded a grant from NeighborWorks America to provide counseling to families and individuals facing the threat of foreclosure under the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling program.
As part of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, Congress appropriated $180 million to NeighborWorks America to continue the NFMC program. The appropriation provides funds for foreclosure counseling, legal assistance to homeowners facing foreclosure, training for foreclosure counselors, and administrative expenses associated with running the NFMC program. Funds can't be used to provide, obtain, or arrange on behalf of a homeowner, legal representation involving or for the purposes of civil litigation.
Homeowners in need of assistance may contact the following agencies:
The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development also has a Web site with resources for homeowners facing foreclosure: www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/hcc/fc/.