Toys for Tots Hawaii drive extended; 20,000 toys still needed
Advertiser Staff
The Marine Corps said its 2009 Toys for Tots Hawaii collection effort is still about 20,000 toys shy of its goal of collecting 45,000 toys for Hawaii's less-fortunate keiki.
Every toy and every dollar donated to purchase toys stays in Hawaii.
Toys for Tots Hawaii has extended this year's drive until noon on Wednesday.
In addition to the regular drop-off sites around Oahu, donations may now also be dropped off at the Toys for Tots warehouse, located at Dole Cannery on the Costco parking lot side of the facility. That warehouse is staffed by volunteers from The Salvation Army, which handles the distribution of all the toys collected during the annual drive.
Since 1996, Toys for Tots Hawaii has collected nearly 640,000 toys and more than $350,000 to purchase toys for distribution to nearly 400,000 of Hawaii's children.
For information on how to donate online or for toy dropoff sites, visit and select Hawaii and then Oahu; you can find drop-off sites on the Toys for Tots Hawaii Facebook page at