Faith calendar
Admission is free unless otherwise noted.
EVENSONG SERVICE WITH CONCORDIA COLLEGE CHOIR of Moorhead, Minn., including hymns and spirituals, 5:30 p.m. March 1, Episcopal Cathedral of St. Andrew, $20 ($10 for students, seniors, military). Tickets:, 800-838-3006. Information, 524-2822.
LENT AND ALL THAT JAZZ, a series of Lenten musical celebrations with local jazz performers, noon Wednesdays, through April 8 (March 4 features Jimmy Borges, Gabe Baltazar, Steve Jones, Morgan Grant and Betty Loo Taylor), Kawaiaha'o Church. 532-1260.
"PRINCIPLES FOR LIVING IN DIFFICULT TIMES," lecture by Episcopal Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick, part of an ongoing series of "Thursdays at St. Andrew's" community discussions, 5:45 p.m. March 5, Episcopal Cathedral of St. Andrew; free. 524-2822.
INTRODUCTION TO ZEN MEDITATION, 9 a.m.-12p.m. March 7, Palolo Zen Center. 735-1347,