Community calendar
JOHN ROSEMOND to speak on "Parenting the Strong-Willed Teenager," 7-8:30 p.m., Hope Chapel Kapolei; $10. Register:
WAIKIKI NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING 7 p.m., Waikiki Community Center.
RACE, FREEDOM AND THE CONTRADICTORY LEGACIES OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, a lecture by professor David Blight at University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Watanabe Hall 112: reception 5:30 p.m., lecture 6 p.m. Book signing 7 p.m. Blight is an historian of slavery, abolitionism, the Civil War, African American history and memory in American culture; free. 956-5531.
CASE MANAGEMENT TRAINING for social workers, case managers, students and faith-based volunteers on social services available in our community, brown bag session by Legal Aid Society staff attorney Connie Liu, noon-1:30 p.m., Nuuanu YMCA, third floor; $10. Information: 536-3556. Registration: