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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Monday, May 18, 2009

Coming events

Advertiser Staff


HAWAII KAI TOASTMASTERS #4716 meet 7 p.m. the first and third Mondays of each month at JAIMS, 6660 Hawai'i Kai Drive, Division A, Area 4; everyone is welcome. 395-3024,


KOMO MAI, a chapter of Business Network International, specializing in business referrals, meets 9-10:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Sizzler Restaurant, Dillingham Plaza; breakfast $10. 721-2794.


LILIUOKALANI TOASTMASTERS meet 12:05 to 1:05 p.m., first and third Wednesdays monthly, Liliuokalani Building, 1390 Miller St. (Downtown); guests welcome. 587-3811.


TELECOMMUTING, HOW TO REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR COMPANY, Comtel president Lou Darnell to tell how telecommuting saves company's money and provides productivity-increasing life-work balance for employees, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Hawaii Prince Hotel, Mauna Kea Ballroom; members of sponsoring organizations $32, nonmembers $38, table of 10 $330, add $5 for late registration, lunch included; register by May 18.

Doing More with Less: Tools for Blended Learning, American Society for Training and Development brown bag meeting featuring Nelwyn Yee, president, Learning & Performance Improvement Solutions, 12-1 p.m., Bank of Hawaii Tower, 9th floor, 130 Merchant St.; free. Register by May 15:

eBAY... A QUESTION AND ANSWER FORUM on how to harness eBay for the good of your business, 6-8 p.m., Hawaii Women's Business Center; bring dinner, beverages provided; members $5, nonmembers $15. RSVP:, phone 526-1001, fax 550-0724.

EXCHANGE CLUB OF DOWNTOWN HONOLULU weekly luncheon 12-1:30 p.m., Oahu Country Club; featured speaker, Noelani Kalipi, director of government and community relations, First Wind, on the Moloka'i wind farm proposal approved by HECO; $20 includes lunch. Reservations: 524-0330 ext. 2,


HAWAII SMALL BUSINESS FAIR 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Kapiolani Community College campus; featuring an array of booths, services and mini-seminars helpful to the budding entrepreneur and small-business owner; free admission and parking. Information: 734-9153 (Ed Valdez),


Hawaii Economic Association meeting 12 p.m. May 28, Plaza Club, 20th floor; featured speaker, Dan Boylan, professor of History at the University of Hawai'i-West O'ahu, and political commentator; members $25, non-members $35. RSVP: Information: 395-1217 (Harvey Shapiro).