• Hale Makua trustee Roy Sakamoto was honored by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Aloha Chapter for his long-term philanthropic achievements. The award for Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser was based on Sakamoto's efforts to help Hale Makua achieve its fundraising goals, his leadership role on Hale Makua's board of trustees and in spearheading fundraising events, and his success in motivating others to contribute.
• As part of its biennial alumni conference, being held this year in Bali, Indonesia, the East-West Center honored several alumni recently for their personal accomplishments and service toward the center's mission of helping to promote better relations and understanding among the peoples of Asia, the Pacific and the U.S.
• Blue Planet Foundation's executive director, Jeff Mikulina, has received a first-time $5,000 community service award from the League of Women Voters for his decade of accomplishments at the Sierra Club of Hawai'i. Mikulina was instrumental in the passing of legislation setting caps on Hawai'i's greenhouse gas emissions, making solar water heating a standard in new homes, and increasing funding for natural resource conservation and management through tourism taxes.