Community calendar
BENEFIT CONCERT FOR WAIKIKI HEALTH CENTER 7:30-9:15 p.m. at Orvis Auditorium, University of Hawaii at Mänoa; a variety of Hawaiian, classical, theater and jazz standards performed by UH-Mänoa students and a violin solo by I-Bei Lin, associate professor of music; $10. Tickets: 942-1958 (Momi).
WHAT MAKES A HOUSE GREEN? Find out how to "green up" your home 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday at 1347 Kuuna Place, Keolu Hills, Kailua; sponsored by RevoluSun, Greenbuilt Construction and Pacific Sustainable Building Science; free. RSVP: 748-8888.
QUICK START YOUR MAC SKILLS at Akaku's introductory computer class 5-9 p.m. Monday in the Media Lab, 333 Dairy Road, Kahului, Maui; $35. Register: 808-871-5554.
END-OF-LIFE CLASS FOR FAMILY CAREGIVERS 3-5 p.m. Wednesday at Attention Plus Care, 1580 Makaloa St., Suite 1060; topics: medication, nutrition, managing challenging behavior, fitness, living with Parkinson's, Alzheimer's care, Diabetes education and fall prevention; free. RSVP: 440-9372.
THROUGH THE EYES OF DYSLEXIA. Panel discussion presented by the Hawaii Branch International Dyslexia Association, 6:30-9 p.m. Wednesday at HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union; free, $3 parking. Reservations:, 538-7007.
HAWAII LITERACY ORIENTATION. Learn how to become a volunteer tutor teaching adults to read, 3-5 p.m. Nov. 8 at Border's, Ward Centre. RSVP: 537-6706.
FUNDRAISER FOR HAWAII BONE MARROW DONOR REGISTRY. 1970s themed dance party featuring live music, food and a raffle, 6 p.m. Nov. 13 at Dole Cannery Ballroom; more than a dozen musical groups; tickets $50 or reserve tables of 10 or 12. RSVP: 741-1222 (Annie) or 224-9987 (Wes).
HAWAIIAN FLAG QUILT display continues through Jan. 2, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays at Mission Houses Museum, Chamberlain Houses Galleries; general admission $6, members free. 447-3910,
THE SENIOR PROJECT needs mentors to share expertise in various fields with high school seniors. Register at