Posted on: Monday, April 19, 2010
Delivery truck knocks over fire hydrant
Advertiser Staff
Board of Water Supply lead pipefitter Jensen Mimuro braves the deluge from a broken fire hydrant to begin the process of shutting off the water. A delivery truck hit the hydrant just across the Board of Water Supply headquarters today.
BRUCE ASATO | The Honolulu Advertiser
Lead pipefitter Jensen Mimuro, left, and Bryan Chong of the Board of Water Supply had to brave the deluge to shut off the water after a fire hydrant got knocked over.
BRUCE ASATO | The Honolulu Advertiser
A delivery truck backed into a fire hydrant on Lauhala Street just across the Board of Water Supply headquarters today, but because no repair crews are based there, a call was made for a crew to respond.
Lead pipefitter Jensen Mimuro and Bryan Chong had to brave the deluge to shut off the water geyser.