Victor Davis Hanson
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Once again, Victor Davis Hanson (Commentary, Feb. 11), has dangerously misled his readers.
Scientists share opinions, including liberal and conservative views. But they publish their findings so their individual results can be thoroughly tested, reviewed and reproduced to verify conclusions. Errors and false claims are efficiently shot down over time. Global warming has gone through this process for more than 30 years.
Is Hanson afraid someone will spend a little of his money to try to reverse this extremely perilous situation? Plenty of conservatives understand these dangers, and quickly are trying to help solve global warming.
Global warming does not imply each day, or even each season, gets noticeably hotter. You don't start sweating next year as the thermostat rises.
More noticeable is the increase in erratic weather. We have seen greater swings in cold/hot, snow, drought, rain, and hurricanes here in the United States and across the world in just the past three years. Chance?
Our homes are set on a chunk of rock hurtling through uninhabitable space with a thin layer of air to protect and nourish us. It is a delicate balance. If you won't accept the science of global warming, please consider your children — and what happens to them if Hanson is wrong?
george allen | Honolulu
May I add another memory about Frank Fasi?
My wife, Dorry, was teaching Latin at St. Andrew’s Priory. She needed something to propagate and invigorate this course. Fasi agreed to come to the school for the big Latin Day.
Upon arrival he was dressed in a toga and a crown and pulled by the students in a chariot to the gym where the rally took place.
After participating with the gladiators and the triumphant marches and a wonderful educational experience, Fasi gave a short speech. He had just lost the race for governor. I remember him saying, "Who would want to be governor of Hawai'i when he can be emperor of St. Andrew's Priory"? That left 400 girls screaming.
The following year, Latin was oversubscribed.
John wollstein | Honolulu
Pedestrian flags (to be waved when using crosswalks) should be banned because there will be some pedestrians who will think the flags make them Moses crossing the Red Sea — that is, that drivers must stop immediately for them regardless of any traffic circumstance.
There is no need to "experiment" with this — some pedestrians will abuse the intent of the flags and the kindly intent of the folks who have installed these flags at crosswalks.
Perhaps the Boy Scouts or other organization will rise to the occasion with a smart way to lessen pedestrian fatalities. That would be a libertarian solution — no government ban, but just folks intelligently helping others.
alan matsuda | Pälolo
While at my brother's soccer game at the Waipi'o Soccer Complex recently, I noticed that there were no recycling bins.
Most of the items in the trash cans were water bottles, Gatorade bottles and soda cans.
People want to help the environment, and by putting just one recycling bin next to every trash can, there is no reason why anyone would not use them.
The city should install recycling bins at the complex. All it takes to help the environment is one little step, and if everyone just took one step, we could go far.
sara gallagher | Kailua
There is much evidence linking extended educational time with improved educational outcomes.
Our leaders should be people who strive for excellence, who want to reach beyond No Child Left Behind requirements and devote more time to reading, writing, math, arts, sports, and the development of creative thinking. We are pulling the shades on our own enlightenment.
Furlough Fridays is a lame phrase to disguise a horrendous tragedy.
patty lentz | Honolulu
Where will all the homeless go when they are no longer able to live in tents or store their belongings in shopping carts in our city parks?
Perhaps large beaten-up vans with covered windows parked on neighborhood streets will become the new home for Honolulu's homeless.
Homelessness is a serious problem in Honolulu, and the individuals who set up tents for shelter in our parks and store their belongings in shopping carts are the victims.
Before passing laws that target the homeless living in parks and put the problem of homelessness more out of sight and out of mind, I encourage the City Council and other lawmakers to first develop a plan of action that not only provides funding for more homeless shelters, but also seeks to curb rates of homelessness through innovative new programs and lawmaking. Let's focus on the bigger picture.
rodney nishimoto | Honolulu