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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, May 2, 2010



The Honolulu Advertiser should consider putting business columnist Jay Fidell on the comic page. His recent article ("Aquaculture's the target of Isle activists," April 25) is nothing if not laughable. With the skill of Pinocchio, he controverts the truth, determined to spin clarity into a vog of obfuscation.

Fidell claims, "By not developing aquaculture, we have no food security and we're spending almost as much buying foreign fish as buying foreign oil."

He omits that the Hawaii Oceanic Technology Inc. proposal to raise ahi off the Big Island would import 100 percent of fish feed and export more than 90 percent of the product to Japan and Mainland markets. Food security and sustainability are not part of the plan.

Troublesome issues raised in Food & Water Watch's report, "The Empty Promise of Ocean Aquaculture in Hawaii," are supported by 180 citations and footnotes, and are not the "exaggerations, misstatements, mischaracterizations, and lots of name-calling" he asserts.

Open-ocean aquaculture must answer the real concerns of fish food components, disease culture and transfer, water pollution, lack of regulation and monitoring, and cultural rights and practices.

Rob Parsons

HB 1212


As a licensed Realtor I have made my career for 30 years in Hawai'i and I was surprised and disappointed by the editorial "Your dentist loves HB 1212 but here's why you shouldn't." This bill is designed to protect consumers as well as small business owners like me.

The Advertiser takes false hope in believing that "only complaints that the state deems worthy of investigation are posted." In fact, nearly all complaints are posted regardless of their merit, including specious ones filed mischievously by competitors. I had a complaint filed against me by an individual who was housed in a hospital unit for mental evaluation. The complaint was found to be meritless but nonetheless it was on my record for a very long time.

As Realtors, we defend every form of consumer protection. Real estate licensees that choose to become a Realtor swear to not only uphold the law but subscribe to a code of ethics. We police ourselves in addition to being held accountable by the Real Estate Commission.

I hope The Advertiser reconsiders and agrees HB 1212 is not a "dentist — or Realtor — protection bill," but instead represents a smarter balance for consumers and businesses.

Mary Begier
Honomū, Big Island



The "toughest measure yet to deter homeless campers" yielded a measly 3.4 percent citation enforcement effort by police (84 warnings, 3 citations) according to The Advertiser (April 24).

Granted, the period of time was only from last Monday to Thursday, but for an issue that has garnered so much attention in our community as well as backgrounds for our tourists' photos, we deserve more, especially given the pre-learning curve offered to the resident homeless. The city's approach to the problem is becoming laughable while the homeless response predictable.

No tents, no problem. No umbrella, no problem. Sidewalks will do. The pavilions that line the beach are especially attractive now with folks moving in with broken furniture, mattresses and hanging discarded ABC mats for shade. Their dogs are on leashes but roam free. Yet again, this issue isn't being been adequately addressed.

I walk my Waikīkī neighborhood daily and wonder what has happened to vagrancy laws? Why are there no police foot patrols? Is it that the ACLU really scared our officials into such ineffective action? 3.4 percent might suggest so.

Richard Broadhurst



Gov. Linda Lingle has vetoed the increase in the barrel tax. Why? She purports to be in favor of clean renewable energy for Hawaii. So what gives here? Is it the "no new taxes" ideological framework of the G.O.P.?

Even the good sense Lingle has shown on energy issues is negated by this inflexible guideline. She is very responsible but can't seem to respond with something that really makes sense in so many ways for the state of Hawaii. Did she have no choice but to veto this bill to remain a "good Republican" governor? It's the one-trick pony: "No new taxes" is the only trick Republicans can do. The GOP has been particularly intransigent on issues of energy and climate.

Members of my family have voted and continue to vote Republican, but the necessity to deal with our energy vulnerability is so important that they are wavering in their support.

The winds of change are gaining in force. Can the GOP meet the challenges, or will they get blown away as a result of their inability to respond in a constructive way?

Paula M. Nokes



My name is Kalaeloa Strode and I'm running for Congress. Too bad the Office of Hawaiian Affairs doesn't care. Tomorrow, KGMB will host a 90-minute forum sponsored by OHA. Native Hawaiian interviewers will ask questions of Charles Djou, Colleen Hanabusa and Ed Case. On the surface this appears to be a fair, democratic process. The irony is that I, the Native Hawaiian candidate for the congressional seat, am not included.

It is a trajedy that OHA, which purports to advocate for the Native Hawaiian, has made no effort to include one in the forum. My call placed to OHA's Ed Nishioka, public relations manager, and returned by Jennifer Armstrong, only danced around the issue. She only promised to forward my concerns to higher-ups.

The bottom line is that I am the undermost of underdogs and will remain so until democracy is served and the average American can have an even playing field. Until then, the political machine will churn out its professional politicians and justice, once again, will be delayed. Look for me outside of KGMB's offices tomorrow holding a "Kalaeloa for Congress" sign if that's the only way I can be heard.

Kalaeloa Strode