59th Francis Brown tees off
• Game on for Westwood at TPC
Advertiser Staff
The 59th Francis Hyde I'i Brown Four-Ball Match Play Championship begins today at Ala Wai with qualifying starting at 6:30 a.m., with the first rounds tomorrow.
Quarterfinals and semifinals in ll flights are next Saturday, with the 36-hole finals the following day.
Teams include Ryan Kuroiwa and Jared Sawada, Phil Anamizu and Lenn Sakata, and Joey Tadeo and Layne Morita.
Also, Waikoloa Beach Resort is having golf clinics and 9-hole scrambles the next two Tuesdays (May 11 and 18) at 3:30 p.m. at the Kings' Course. Golfers get 30 minutes of instruction followed by a scramble tournament.
Players can sign up as a four-person team or can be paired up. An awards reception with pūpū and prizes follows golf at Kings' Grille.
The fee is $65. Contact Johnny Eusebio (JEusebio@waikoloaland.com or 808-886-7888) for more information.