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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lit Beat

Advertiser Staff


MAKIKI COMMUNITY LIBRARY USED BOOK SALE, 12-4 p.m. May 23, at the library in Makiki District Park; books $1 or less; information, 542-3334.

FRIENDS OF WAIMĀNALO LIBRARY SPRING BOOK SALE, sale of gently-used books (most books $1, children's books $.50), 10 a.m.-3 p.m. May 28, Waimānalo Public and School Library, meeting room; information, 259-2610.

"PLACE-BASED EDUCATION: A Literature and Writing Odyssey for Changing Times," a one-week intensive workshop for teachers, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. June 28-July 2, Hilo Boys and Girls Club, Kaiao Community Garden, Big Island; information/enrollment,


MEET THE AUTHOR program, with Chris McKinney, author of "Mililani Mauka," 2 p.m. May 23, Kaimukī Public Library, Adult Reading Section; suitable for ages 12 and older; free; information, 733-8422.

A TASTE OF TAHITI: COCONUT BREAD, Hau'ula resident Mahana Pulotu presents recipes for three different Tahitian coconut breads; 6:30 p.m. May 25, Kahuku Public and School Library; suitable for all ages; free; reservations requested: 293-8935.

AFTER-SCHOOL CLUB, with crafts or movies, 12:45-1:30 p.m., May 26, Kahuku Public and School Library; free; information, 293-8935.

NATIONAL PARK WEEK events, presented by Haleakalā National Park rangers at Makawao Public Library, Maui; free; information, 808-573-8785:

• Nene Goose Storytime, meet the Haleakalā National Park's mascot; suitable for all ages, 10 a.m. May 27.

• Backpack Haleakalā (ongoing program), a backpack, filled with books and activity sheet, that library patrons (with library card) can take out on loan and use to get a free visit to the park; driver's license/identification card required.

WHIM 'N RHYTHM, Yale University's women's a cappella ensemble, free concert, 11 a.m. May 28, Hawai'i State Library lobby; information, 586-3520.


SUSAN YUEN will sign "Hawai'i's Bento Box Cookbook 2," 1 p.m. May 23, Borders Books Express, Mililani; and 1 p.m. May 29, Borders Books, Kāne'ohe; information,, or 732-1709.

"ONE MAN'S PARADISE," book-signing by Douglas Corleone, former criminal defense attorney, of his debut legal thriller, set in Honolulu, 11 a.m. May 29, Borders Books, Windward Mall; information, 235-8803.


BILL'S BOOKMOBILE, a bargain book/video store fundraiser for state libraries; 10 a.m.-2 p.m., first Saturday monthly, 690 Pohukaina St., Kaka'ako; information, 536-4174.

YWCA BROWN-BAG LUNCH BOOK CLUB, 12-1:30 p.m. third Tuesday monthly; Laniākea (former Richards Street) YWCA; information, 538-7061.

KAHUKU BOOKMOBILE offers books, CDs, audiobooks and free Internet access on Mondays to holders of a state library card; information/varying locations, 293-8935.

NATIVE BOOKS/NĀ MEA HAWAI'I CLASSES, ongoing, including lauhala weaving, lei hulu (feather) workshops (lei, kahili and other hulu items), beginning Hawaiian language, watercolors, hula (beginners and intermediate, young adult to kūpuna) and beginning 'ukulele; various times, Ward Warehouse store; some fees; information, 596-8885.

Youth Speaks Hawaii, slam poetry workshops, 4:30-6 p.m. Wednesdays, The ARTS at Marks Garage; free; 387-9664.

PLAY READING GROUP, with discussion and dramatic readings, 6 p.m. second Friday monthly, First Unitarian Church; free; bring snacks to share; information, 526-1191.


Preschool storytimE, stories, sing-alongs, finger plays and a simple craft, for pre-school age and older (accompanied by parent/caregiver), 10:30-11 a.m. Sundays, through June 6, Kaimukī Public Library; free; 733-8422.

KEIKI STORYTIME, for preschool age through age 6 (with parent/caregiver), with stories, sing-alongs, finger plays and rhymes, and color or craft project, 10-10:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Wailuku Public Library, Children's Section, Maui; free; 808-243-5766.

HAWAI'I KAI PUBLIC LIBRARY CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS, library meeting room; free; information, 397-5833:

• Preschool storytime, ages 3-5 (with caregiver), with stories, sing-alongs, finger plays and make-and-take craft sessions; 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, through April 2010.

• Toddler Puzzletime, ages 1 1/4-3 years (with caregiver), with educational puzzles, toys, storytime, songs and finger plays; 10:30 a.m. first Thursdays monthly.

SATURDAY KEIKI STORYTIME, for children 3 and older (with adult supervision), including stories, songs and rhymes; 10:30-11 a.m. Saturdays, Hawai'i State Library, Edna Allyn Children's Room; free; information, 586-3510.

Keiki storytime, with books, games and songs; 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and 11 a.m. Saturdays, Borders, Waikele; free; 676-6699. Also, 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, Borders, Ward Centre; free; 591-8995.

PRESCHOOL STORYTIME, 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Mililani Public Library; free; 627-7470.

Preschool storytimE, stories, sing-alongs, finger plays and a simple craft, for ages 3-5; 4 p.m. Wednesdays, Waikīkī-Kapahulu Public Library; free; 733-8488.