By Wayne Harada
Advertiser Entertainment Editor
Pop singer Hoku Ho has been married for more than a year, she and her entertainer father Don Ho confirmed yesterday.
Hoku Ho said she and Jeremy Clements eloped "for personal reasons."
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"I think my whole career would be in a shambles if I didnt have him," said Hoku Ho, 19, speaking of husband Jeremy Clements, 23. Clements, a native Californian, now manages her career.
Hoku, who turns 20 in June, declined to give specifics about the marriage, which took place a year and a half ago in a Santa Ana, Calif., courthouse, but she said they eloped "for personal reasons."
Don Ho, who is divorced from Hokus mother, did not attend the wedding.
"Hes a very nice boy," Don Ho said. "Jeremy has been a big comfort to her; she is so fragile and this is a tough business. He goes with her wherever she goes."
Hoku said that this visit home has been a honeymoon of sorts: "We never had a real honeymoon, so we take little chunks at a time."
And whats married life like?
"Just wonderful."
And kids?
"Not just yet but certainly before Im 30."
She has been singing with dad at his Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel shows this week (one remaining performance tonight, but possibly more next week, depending on her schedule). The primary reason for her trip here was a guest appearance last Saturday at the Hula Bowl on Maui. She frequently sings with the senior Ho, with whom she cut her vocal teeth.
Hoku said she needs to return to her California base shortly to start on her second InterScope CD and prepare (for March release) her next single, "Perfect Day." "After we get the second album done, were looking into a summer tour," she said.
She gained national attention when she recorded "Another Dumb Blonde" for the soundtrack of a so-so film comedy starring Chevy Chase. A video, aired on MTV, has fueled a pop career that resulted in a self-titled CD, "Hoku," which contained her hit tune.
Hoku Ho has been compared to such girl-star icons as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. But the born-again Christian has sidestepped the comparisons, refusing to criticize her saucy peers while attempting to dress and act in ways consistent with her values, a tough tightrope to walk given the sexuality inherent in pop stardom today.
Hoku has not discussed her marriage openly, likely because marriage doesnt fit with the dewy image her label was building for her. Said Don Ho: "But if people ask, shell tell you. Its something very personal, but shes a good church-going girl. She wont lie."
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