Wednesday, February 14, 2001
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Felix court hearing today could clear air
Today's hearing on the Felix Consent Decree could be quite useful both to the federal court and to the state, if state officials are prepared with an adequate explanation of where and how costs have gone out of control. If the compliance ruling has forced the state to spend more than it should, the judge needs to know that.

Marc Rich pardon must be explained
Congress should soon examine the absolute pardon prerogative pertaining to the chief executive — not to remove the power, because properly used it is an important instrument of compassionate justice — but to open the application process up to the sunlight of public disclosure.

Island Voices

Education solution lies in bold leadership
A possible teachers' strike and continued frustration surrounding public education are two artifacts of a much bigger problem. By James E. Kerr, president and CEO of

Page Posted On: Wednesday, February 14, 2001
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