Exercise Gives You Life, improve your well-being, lecture by Dr. Alex Concepcion and Dr. Gary Hoste, 10 a.m., Lower Level, Sears Wing, Windward Mall; free. 235-1143.
Anti-Aging Cooking and Recipes, a Veggie Life Cooking Class with John Westerdahl, 7-8 p.m., Castle Center for Health Promotion, Kaneohe; $10 fee includes meal. 263-5400.
"Find Health Information on the Internet Using MedlinePlus and PubMed," workshop sponsored by the Consumer Health Information Center and the state public library, 9-10:30 a.m., Hawaii Medical Library; free. 536-9302, ext. 127.
Get Healthy Hawaii, screenings, fitness and cooking demonstrations, prizes, sponsored by KITV 4 and the Honolulu Medical Group, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Kahala Mall; free. 732-7736.
2001 Get Fit Fair, screenings, demonstrations, holistic lifestyle health exhibits, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Windward Mall; free. 235-1143.
Healthy Lifestyle for the New Year, a MindBodySpirit forum led by Dr. Patricia Bragg, 7 p.m., Castle Medical Center; free. Meals available from 4:30 to 6:30 at Castles Pali Gardens Vegetarian Restaurant at menu prices. 263-5400.
Sibling Class, let your older children learn how to be a big brother or sister through class and activities, 1-3 p.m., Castle Medical Center; $35. 263-5400.
Totsavers, home and infant safety class plus infant/child CPR, 4-8 p.m., Castle Medical Center; $45. 263-5400.
Parenting in Recovery, eight-week class for mothers in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction, sponsored by Womens Addiction Treatment Center of Hawaii (WATCH), 10-11:30 a.m., each Tuesday through March 6, WATCH Center at St. Francis Medical Center, Liliha; $3 per class. For program requirements, call 547-6514.
The Health Calendar appears in the Island Life section each Thursday.
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