Advertiser Staff and News Services
Not-guilty plea for Yonamine
State Rep. Nobu Yonamine pleaded not guilty to charges of drunken driving and unsafe lane change yesterday in Ewa District Court.
Attorney Art Ross entered the plea on behalf of Yonamine, who was not required to be present. An April 3 trial date was set.
Yonamine, 66, D-35th (Pearl City, Pacific Palisades) was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving on Feb. 8. Police say Yonamine failed a field sobriety test after he was stopped westbound on the H-1 highway before the H-3 off-ramp. Authorities say his blood-alcohol measured 0.134. The legal limit is .08.
Following the arrest Yonamine said he would resign his office, but has since said he will serve out the rest of his term based on the support he received from constituents.
Orchid Society to hold show
The Kunia Orchid Society will hold its annual orchid show from March 16-18 at the Del Monte Kunia Gym at 92-1770 Kunia Road.
The event will include a large selection of orchids on display and for sale, as well as lectures, demonstrations and hourly door prizes.
Seven clubs and societies will take part in the event , and 45 awards will be presented. Local foods will be sold by the Kunia Community Association.
Show times are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and until 4 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $2.
For more information, call Callman Au at 623-8585.
Body found in home identified
The medical examiners office yesterday identified Roger Takabayashi as the man whose decomposed body was found in Takabayashis Waipahu home on Feb. 21.
Takabayashi, 46, died of a heart attack and was discovered after neighbors complained of an odor coming from his home at 94-1240 Kahuaina St.
The next day, the home caught fire and was gutted, according to the fire department.
The three-bedroom, two-bath home sustained an estimated $150,000 worth of damage, and $20,000 to its contents. The fire was determined to have been intentionally set in a rear bedroom and police are still investigating.

Girls condition is upgraded
An 11-year-old girl critically injured when she was struck by a van in Palolo on Monday was upgraded yesterday to guarded condition, a Queens Medical Center spokeswoman said.
A silver 1989 Mitsubishi van driven by a 50-year-old woman struck the girl as she was crossing Kiwila Street, about 11 feet west of Ahe Street, at about 6:25 p.m., police said.
The girl was inside or near a crosswalk, police said.
She was transported to Queens Medical Center in critical condition. Police said neither speed nor alcohol appeared to be factors in the accident, which happened near Palolo Valley District Park and Palolo Fire Station.

Kaiser schools set workshops
The Kaiser Complex of Schools will hold the last two remaining free workshops in the series "Stepping UP to Standards" for parents of children in elementary, middle and high schools.
Both meetings start at 7 p.m. and will be at Hahaione Elementary School Oasis Conference Room, Building H, Room 2. The first seminar, set for today, is "Helpful Strategies: But are They Learning"? The second workshop, on April 25, is: "Partnering in Your Childs Learning Beyond HIs Years."
To register, call at least one week before the workshop you want to attend. For registration information, call Ellen Tanoura, Kaiser Complex School renewal specialist, at 733-4968.

Eight rescued in strong surf
North Shore lifeguards made at least eight rescues yesterday as surf reached heights of 8 to 10 feet with windy conditions.
At Waimea Bay, lifeguards rescued six people from strong currents, while at Sunset Beach, lifeguards launched a jet-ski to aid a sailboarder who got in trouble after breaking the mast of his sail. A surfer at Pipeline was taken by ambulance to Kahuku Hospital after being injured, said lifeguard Lt. Pat Kelly.
The surf was expected to remain at 8 to 10 feet overnight.

Phoenix campus set for Kaneohe
The University of Phoenix will open a Kaneohe campus this month and will hold a free seminar about its programs at 6 tonight at the Castle Professional Building, 46-001 Kamehameha Hwy.
Besides programs offered at the other campuses, the Kaneohe campus will offer post- baccalaureate certificates in secondary education, as well as degrees for master of business administration and bachelor of science in management.
The school offers working professionals a convenient way to expand their education without interrupting their careers.
For more information about the seminar, call 536-2686.
Food donations welcome in Kailua
Kailua businesses have teamed up with elementary school students to collect food for the Hawaii Food Bank.
State Rep. David Pendleton, R-50th (Kailua, Kaneohe), is organizing the drive and has enlisted the help of five businesses that have agreed to be drop-off points for the drive March 14 to April 14.
The drop-off sites are McKenna Motors Windward Ford, 725 Kailua Road; Island Printing Centers, 305 Hahani St.; Global Village, 306 Kuulei Road; Straub Clinic, 641 Kailua Road; and Jamba Juice, 539 Kailua Road.
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