Hawaii State Association of Counties, 9:30 a.m., executive committee meeting, Honolulu Hale, council meeting room; agenda includes: HSAC nominations to the NACo board of directors, legislative package, smart growth in communities.
Neighborhood board meeting, 7 p.m., Kaimuki No. 4, Kaimuki Recreation Center, 3521 Waialae Ave.; agenda includes: satellite police station, traffic conditions on 10th Avenue, shower tree litter, district enhancements, traffic calming, bikeways, hurricane relief fund.
Neighborhood board meeting, 7 p.m., Manoa No. 7, Noelani Elementary School cafetorium, 2655 Woodlawn Drive.
Conversational Hebrew Classes, by Moran Herold; 7:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, through March 28; Temple Emanu-El, 2550 Pali Highway. 595-7521.
"Growing Pains: Quality of Life in the New Economy," public meeting on state smart-growth strategies, by Joel Hirschhorn, director, Natural Resources Policy Studies Division; Center for Best Practices; 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., State Capitol, Room 329; refreshments. 587-2817.
"The Impact of Climate On Ecosystems and Biodiversity in the North Pacific," 9 a.m.; Imin Conference Center, East-West Center, Asia Room, University of Hawaii at Manoa; includes effects on size and health of marine life. 956-9252.
Land Use Commission meeting, 9:30 a.m., King Kamehameha Kona Beach, Eha Room, 75-5660 Palani Road, Kailua-Kona; agenda: reclassification of agricultural land in Makaweli, Kauai, and conservation land in Kaloko, North Kona.
Waianae Neighborhood Board No. 24 transportation meeting, 6-7:30 p.m., Waianae Neighborhood Community Center, 85-670 Farrington Highway; agenda: Farrington Highway traffic safety and beautification project, addition of emergency access route to public infrastructure map, bus transit center. Parks and Recreation committee meeting follows; agenda: updates on Ulehawa Beach Park and Lualualei No. 1 Beach Park improvements, Pili O Kahe Beach Park, Mauna Lahilahi Beach park shore protection and improvements, proposed camp and picnic sites; Waianae Complex pool.
Neighborhood Board meeting, 7 p.m., Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights No. 5, Ala Wai Clubhouse, second floor, 404 Kapahulu Ave.
Neighborhood board meeting, 7 p.m., Ewa No. 23, Ewa Beach Public Library, 91-950 North Road.
Neighborhood board meeting, 7 p.m., Aliamanu/ Salt Lake/Foster Village No. 18, Aliamanu Intermediate School cafetorium, 3271 Salt Lake Blvd.
Neighborhood board meeting, 7 p.m., Koolauloa No. 28, Hauula Community Center, 54-010 Kukuna Road; agenda includes: paragliders at Kahana Beach, night closure of Pounders Beach Park, extension of work hours on the Punaluu Water Main Project.
"Youth Violence and Community Responsibility," the first Umematsu and Yasu Watada Lectures on peace, justice and the environment, with guest speaker Daniel "Nane" Alejandrez, director of Barrios Unidos; alternatives to violence for youth; 7 p.m.; Church of the Crossroads, 1212 University Ave.; free. 949-2220.
"Alternatives to Youth Violence: What Works?," 7 p.m.; Farrington High School auditorium; for youth and families; chili/rice to be served 6 p.m.; free.
"Self-Identity Through Hooponopono," free introductory lecture on the ancient Hawaiian conflict resolution technique that decreases stress, imbalance and disease; 7-9 p.m.; Blaisdell Center, Oahu room. 262-5322.
Kakoo Ohana Paahao, support/activity group for families of current or former inmates, ex-inmates and community members; 6:30 p.m. Fridays; Queen Liliuokalani Childrens Center, 1300 Halona St. 678-0693.
"Alternatives to Youth Violence: What Works?," 7 p.m., Farrington High School auditorium; for youth and families; chili/rice to be served 6 p.m.; free.
"Self-Identity Through Hooponopono," 7-9 p.m., free introductory lecture on the ancient Hawaiian conflict resolution technique that decreases stress, imbalance and disease; Blaisdell Center, Oahu room. 262-5322.
Kakoo Ohana Paahao, 6:30 p.m., support/activity group for families of current or former inmates, ex-inmates and community members; Fridays; Queen Liliuokalani Childrens Center, 1300 Halona St. 678-0693.
Ladies Auxiliary, Department of Hawaii, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Council of Administration luncheon meeting; 11 a.m.; Fook Yuen Restaurant, McCully Shopping Center, Kapiolani Boulevard and McCully Street; with national junior vice president Betty Morris.
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