KAILUA CHRISTIAN WOMENS CLUB LUNCHEON, 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Mid-Pacific Country Club, 266 Kaelepulu Drive, Kailua; $14 buffet, parking $2, child care $2; call for reservations. 395-1708.
"Kundalini Tantric Enlightenment," continuing six class series, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Golden Phoenix Bookstore, 1251-B S. King St. $120 for series, $25 per class, reservation required. 593-1249.
HEALING MESSAGE SERVICE, with healing touch, musical vibration, 6:30-8 p.m., Honolulu Church of Light, 1539 Kapiolani Blvd. 952-0880.
The Alpha Course, free video and small group discussion, 6:30-9 p.m., Holy Nativity Church, 5286 Kalanianaole Highway, üina Haina; theme: "Why Did Jesus Die?"; dinner served 6 p.m., free child care, parking available. Call Michelle Lopez: 373-2131.
"ABUNDANCE IN YOUR LIFE," understanding the meaning of meditation, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Honolulu Church of Light, 1539 Kapiolani Blvd. $5 donation. 952-0880.
Meditation Circle, meaning and importance of meditation , 6:30-8 p.m., Honolulu Church of Light, 1539 Kapiolani Blvd. $5 donation suggested. 952-0880.
Divorce Care, seminar/support group for divorcing people, 6:30-8:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 1822 Keeaumoku St., Makiki; child care available; reservations required; workbook $10; scholarships available. 532-1111.
"TRULY UNDERSTANDING BUDDHISM," talk story, 8 a.m.-noon, Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin, 1727 Pali Highway, Nuuanu; $10 fee, $5 without lunch. 536-7044.
Fifth Annual Conference for Catholic Women of Hawaii, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Star of the Sea Church, 4469 Malia St., Waialae; theme: "Nurturing Our Spirituality"; $12; $15 after Friday; includes lunch; scholarships available. 263-8844, ext. 333.
The religion calendar appears each Saturday. Send listing to Island Life/Faith, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. Include date, time, place, whos involved and cost, if any, of events, along with a daytime contact number in case we have questions.
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