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Honolulu Chinese Jaycees estate planning seminar, 7 p.m. Ward Warehouse, Kakaako Conference Room. Speaker: Michael Cobb, Prudential Insurance Co. New members, 21 to 39 years old, welcome. Information: 566-8620.
Small-business specialists from the Hawaii district offices of the U.S. Small Business Administration will visit Honolulu area business owners and merchants at their business locations this month to acquaint them with business resources available through the federal government. The SBA Community Outreach Walks are scheduled Wednesday in Ewa and Makakilo, and March 21 in the Pearlridge, Pearl Kai and Pearl Highlands areas. Information: 541-2983.
Andrew Whinston, author of the Internet Indicators Report, a bi-annual assessment of Internet economy, will be the first speaker in a new University of Hawaii speaker series, "(Information Technology) Futures." The series, begins 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Manoa campus, William Richardson School of Law, Classroom 2. It will feature prominent leaders from business and academia discussing predictions for various information technology applications and their impacts. Speaking March 19 (same time and location) will be Jeffrey Cole, author of the University of California at Los Angeles Internet study of various aspects of Internet users vs. nonusers. The speaker series is sponsored by University Connections and the new Information Technology Alliance at UH-Manoa. Information: Keith Mattson, 956-8068.
Cheap Tickets: "Building a High Performance E-Business Platform-A Case Study," presentation by Ron McElfresh, vice president of Cheap Tickets, Online Services, sponsored by the local chapter of the Association for Information and Image Management: from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. HEI Downtown Training Room, Pacific Tower, 1001 Bishop St., eighth floor. Free; fee for non-members. Information: 528-7176. Reservations by fax: Linda, co/o Ken Fukunaga, 531-7585.
Piilani Village Shopping Center, the new 150,000-square-foot South Maui retail complex at Piilani Highway and Piikea Avenue, will celebrate its grand opening 5 to 9 p.m. with a hoolaulea of local musicians, multicultural dance and fireworks display. Featured performers include Uluwehi Guerrero, 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. and Hoonua, 7 to 9 p.m. Fireworks begin at 9 p.m. Among the centers 21 tenants is the largest Safeway in the state.
Former state Sen. Mike McCartney, head of Hawaii Public Television, will speak on "Civil Service Reform, Privatization and Other Four-Letter Words," at a buffet luncheon of the Hawaii Economic Association: registration from 11:45 a.m., The Plaza Club, Pioneer Plaza; question-and-answer session to follow lunch. Fee; non-members welcomed. RSVP by noon March 20: Sterling Nakano, 538-4761.
Bob Coe, president of DFS Hawaii, will speak on "DFS Hawaiis Latest Waikiki Development," in a breakfast speech March 22 to the National Association of Industrial and Office Properties local chapter: 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the Pacific Club. Fee; non-members welcomed; tickets available at door. RSVP by March 20. Information: 845-4994.
The Hawaii Technology Trade Association has scheduled a "Plugged In" networking mixer for those in the local high technology industry, 5 to 7:30 p.m. March 22 at the Ocean Club at Restaurant Row. Information: 550-4882.
"Working Toward Wealth for Women," a seminar sponsored by Edward Jones Investments, will be offered 9 a.m. to noon March 24 at 1360 S. Beretania St., Suite 304. Topics covered will include retirement goals, investments, retirement plans, and life insurance and long term care. Free; limited space. Reservations: 734-8889.
A class on basic money management strategies including retirement, and life and disability insurance planning will be sponsored by the Kaiser Lifestyle Program, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. April 4 at the Kaiser Honolulu Clinic, 1010 Pensacola St., sixth-floor conference room. Fee; open to non-Kaiser members. Registration: 597-2270.
April 18 is the deadline for non-native speakers of Japanese who wish to work in Japan or for Japanese companies, to register for the JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) test of Japanese business language proficiency. The test in reading, writing and speaking abilities will be scheduled in three separate testing levels of proficiency, variously from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. June 23 at the Japan-America Institute of Management Science in Hawaii Kai. The test was developed with support of more than 600 companies in Japan. Registration: Sachiko Burke, 396-7127.
Tax professionals can earn one hour of continuing education credit on taxation and related matters by attending the monthly meetings and seminars scheduled by the Hawaii Society of Enrolled Agents. The meetings are scheduled the third Friday monthly at 4747 Kilauea Ave. Information: 735-9004.
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