Posted on: Sunday, May 27, 2001
Recommended reading
Some ways to introduce children to other cultures
Recommended reading
Some books for young children about diversity. Available through Deloris Guttman's Hawai'i Multicultural Resource Center at 1132 Bishop St., Suite 1404, 528-5037. "Cinderfella & Slamdunk" by M. Burton (Branden Books, $18.99, hardback) "The Empty Pot" by Demi (Henry Holt Publishers, $18.99, hardback) "What a Wonderful World" by George David Weiss and Bob Thiele (Atheneum Books, $17.99, hardback) "Abadeha, the Philippine Cinderella" by Myrna J. de la Paz (Shen's Books, $18.95, hardback) "Sukey and the Mermaid" by Robert D. San Souci (Four Winds Press, $17.99, hardback) "Nina Bonita" by Ana Maria Machado (Kane Miller Books, $16.99, hardback) "The Magic Bean Tree" by Nancy Van Laan (Houghton Miflin, $17.99, hardback) "The Talking Eggs" (an African American "Cinderella") by Robert D. San Souci (Dial Books, $17.99, hardback) "Jaha and Jamil Went Down the Hill," an African Mother Goose, by Virginia Kroll (Charlesbridge Publishers, $17.99, hardback) "Tar Beach" by Faith Ringgold (Crown Publishers, $19.95, hardback)