Recipe for Pinup Lamp
| Magazine celebrates fun things you can make at home |
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Gregory Yamamoto The Honolulu Advertiser |
Medium-size wire tomato cage
Small roll of 16-gauge wire
Ceramic electric socket
3 fl-inch zinc plated D-rings
Hose clamp (make sure the clamp can fit around the socket and D-rings)
Electrical cord (preferably clear) with on/off switch
120-200 cedar clothespins
24-inch clear, flexible tubing (for the base of the cage)
Small wire cutters
Utility knife
Make it:
1. Measure the distance between the top and bottom rings of the cage, then cut six lengths of wire exceeding this measurement by 1 1/2-2 inches.
2. Starting at one of the cage's vertical posts, measure about 2 inches horizontally in either direction and tie one of the cut pieces of wire to the top and bottom rings by looping it over once and twisting the end around itself tightly. Repeat with the rest of the cut pieces of wire, adding two extra vertical strands between each of the three cage posts. This subframe mimics the shape of the cage.
3. Measure and cut a piece of wire that is about 9 1/2 inches. Starting about 3 inches below the top ring, loop the wire once around each post and vertical stretch of wire, forming a taut wire ring. When you reach your starting point, secure the end by looping the wire tightly around the post several times. This is one of three new rings you'll make around the cage.
4. Repeat Step 3, measuring down 3 inches from the ring you just made and 3 inches below the cage's original bottom ring. You now have 5 horizontal rings. The bottom ring will support the lowest layer of clothespins.
5. Curl the jutting wires at the top of the cage for safety.
6. Assemble the cord, switch and socket according to the directions.
7. Loop the three D-rings around the hose clamp and slip the clamp over the bulb socket, so the round part of the D faces out. Space the D-rings evenly and tighten the hose clamp.
8. Cut three 8-inch lengths of wire and tie each to a D-ring, looping and twisting to secure.
9. Suspend the socket at the center of the cage by attaching the three D-ring wires to the frame. Screw in the bulb.
10. Starting with the bottom cage ring, hang the clothespins. Continue up the frame letting the uppers layers shingle over the lower layers.
11. Cut three 8-inch segments of clear tubing and split them open. Wrap the pieces around the bottom wire for a no-scratch base.
Source: ReadyMade, Issue 4
Designed by Greg Tate of Costa Mesa, Calif.,