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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, May 4, 2003


 •  Government  •  Consumer protection/Labor  •  Environment
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Lawmakers closed the 2003 legislative session Thursday after taking action on hundreds of bills. Here are many of the more significant bills.

Bills that passed will be sent to Gov. Linda Lingle for signature or veto. Lawmakers can override a veto by a two-thirds vote of each house.


Invasive species
(SB 1505 SD1 HD2 CD1)

Statutorily establishes the temporary Hawai'i Invasive Species Council to address the invasive species problem in Hawai'i. Prohibits the importation or sale of Salvinia molesta and Salvinia minima and Pistia stratiotes.

Public land liability
(HB 1214 HD2 SD2 CD1)

Establishes a process for installing and maintaining warning signs on improved public lands, that provides the state and counties with protection from liability for damages caused by the dangerous natural conditions warned of. Provides that the state or county does not have a duty to warn of dangerous natural conditions on unimproved public lands.

Renewable energy resources
(SB 855 SD1 HD3 CD1)

Extends the current 35 percent income tax credit for solar water heaters and a 20 percent tax credit for wind-power systems until 2008.

Renewable resources
(HB 1328 HD1 SD1)

Requires the consumer advocate to consider the long-term benefits of renewable resources in determining courses of action.

Disclosure by energy supplies
(HB 10 HD2 SD1 CD1)

Requires retail suppliers of electricity to annually disclose to their retail customers fuel mix information by generation category for electricity sold.

South Kona wilderness
(HB 1509 HD2 SD2 CD1)

Establishes the South Kona wilderness area to be administered by the Department of Land and Natural Resources and provides for development of a comprehensive management plan for the area.

Historic sites
(HB 1285 HD1 SD1 CD1)

Extends penalties for damage to historic property or burial sites found on private lands in the course of land development or land alteration activities when review of site by and approval from historic preservation office has not been received.

Brown tree snakes
(SB 554)

Allows the Department of Agriculture to bring four live, sterile brown tree snakes into the state for the purposes of research and training of snake detector dogs. Gov. Linda Lingle signed the bill into law.


Solar energy development

Authorizes counties to permit solar energy facilities in agricultural districts.

Emergency environmental work force

Appropriates money to continue the efforts of the emergency environmental workforce program to improve the state's economy by employing citizens to protect the environment.

Cave protection

Permits entry into caves that are part of state or county parks if entry signs are posted. Expands allowable purposes for entering the caves to include recreational uses.

Automatic land use approvals

Repeals the law that allowed automatic approval of an application for business or development related permit, license or approval, if action to grant or deny the approval does not occur within a specified maximum period of time.

Koa Ridge

Fast-tracks development of the Pacific Health Community Center project and portions of Castle and Cooke's Koa Ridge residential development by exempting it from state and county approval processes. Also extends the authorization to issue special purpose revenue bonds for the health center project.

Landfill locations

Permits the counties to allow landfills to be located over underground drinking water sources.

Minimum lot sizes

Requires a minimum lot size of 3 acres of contiguous land for agricultural district subdivisions receiving final subdivision plan approval on or after July 1, 2003.