Posted on: Sunday, April 18, 2004
Round Up
Campbell hands Leilehua first loss of OIA season
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'Aiea's Shawn Hao connects for a single in the sixth inning of Na Ali'i's 12-2 win over Nanakuli.
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Tristan Bailey pitched a two-hitter, striking out nine, for the Sabers.
Campbell improved to 5-3, Leilehua fell to 6-1 and dropped out of sole possession of first place, into a tie with 'Aiea.
- Leilehua (6-1) 000 000 00 2 1
- Campbell (5-3) 001 000 x1 4 1
Spencer Omalza and Jesse Matsuura; Tristan Bailey and Ian Pantorilla. WBailey. L Omalza.
Leading hitters: LeilehuaJosh Fetters double.
Reported by Rory Pico
'AIEA 12, NANAKULI 2: Reid Nakamura hit a one-out, two-run home run in the fifth inning as Na Ali'i routed the Golden Hawks.
- NANAKULI (2-5) 100 010 2 4 6
- 'AIEA (6-1) 061 13112 14 0
Bryson Felisi and Devan Harris; Blaze Moleta, Kahoku Piho (5) and Aaron Asher, CJ Tausaga (4). WMoleta. LFelisi.
Leading hitters: NanakuliAlferez 2-3, Lance Loa double. 'AieaReid Nakamura 2-run home run; Bryson Tajiri double, 2 RBIs; Shane Koga 2-2; Dylan Libadisos 2-2, 2 triples; Tausaga 2-4.
Reported by Ryan Kato
MILILANI 6, RADFORD 1: Tony Aquino batted 3 for 4, including a triple, as the host Trojans defeated the Rams.
Troy Flores had two hits and two stolen bases for Mililani.
- Radford (2-5) 001 000 01 6 2
- Mililani (4-3) 201 210 X6 9 2
Kahoku Tampos, Chad Afi (4), Andrew Atmospera (5) and Kyle Howell; Kelsey Nakata, Chaz Miyashiro (6) and Kamaka Crabbe, Ian Koki (6). WNakata. L Tampos.
Leading hitters: RadfordTampos 2-4. MililaniTroy Flores 2-3; Tony Aquino 3-4, triple; Miyashiro double.
Reported by Mike Okimoto
PEARL CITY 20, WAIALUA 0: Blake Kaneshiro and Craig Calantoc combined on a no-hitter as the host Chargers routed the Bulldogs.
Kaneshiro, who also went 3 for 4 with three runs and three RBIs, had five strikeouts and Calantoc had four strikeouts. Rex Yamaguchi added three hits and five RBIs.
- Waialua (0-6) 0 0 0 00 0 0 3
- Pearl City (5-2) 3(15)0 2x20 17 1
Shawyn Peiler, Justin Manglallan (2) and Manglallan, Michael Kuraoka (2); Blake Kaneshiro, Craig Calantoc (4) and Corey Giammalvo, Kyle Puentis (3), Paul Domingo (5). WKaneshiro. L Peiler.
Leading hitters: Pearl CityKory Valenzona 3-3; Rex Yamaguchi 3-4, triple, 5 RBIs; Kaneshiro 3-4, 3 runs, 3 RBIs; Rylan Nakahata 2-3, 2 RBIs; Michael Higa triple, 2 runs; Giammalvo double, 2 runs; Casey Fujishige double; Blayne Kamahiai double.
Reported by Mel Seki
WAI'ANAE 8, KAPOLEI 6: Ranson Silva hit a two-run single in the bottom of the sixth inning to lift the Seariders past the Hurricanes.
Silva's single scored Darius Fuller, who walked, and Mike Ferreira, who reached on a throwing error.
- Kapolei (3-5) 210 120 06 7 2
- Wai'anae (4-4) 100 412 x8 8 2
Colin Dumlao and Drake Kula; Dillon Guzman, Darius Fuller (5) and Mike Ferreira. WFuller. L Dumlao.
Leading hitters: KapoleiDumlao 2-4, 2 doubles; Bryan Padayao 2-4. Wai'anaeRanson Silva 3-4, 2 doubles, 2 RBIs; Ferreira 2 runs.
Reported by Kekoa Kaluhiokalani
KAHUKU 9, MCKINLEY 4: Kurtney Silva, Kimble Niumatalolo, Bronson Ponciano, Melvin Silva and B.J. Adolpho had two hits apiece to lead the Red Raiders to their first win in the O'ahu Interscholastic Association Eastern Division.
- McKinley (1-6) 000 100 34 6 5
- Kahuku (1-6) 211 032 X9 11 3
Devin Okinaga and Andy Mitani; Melvin Silva and Bronson Ponciano. WM. Silva. L Okinaga.
Leading hitters: McKinleyJefferson Okada double; Jarren Hirasaki double; Abel Werner 2-4. KahukuKurtney Silva 2-3, double; Ponciano 2-4; Kimble Niumatalolo 2-2, 4 runs; M. Silva 2-3, 2 runs; B.J. Adolpho 2-4.
Reported by Shenna Sabido
KALANI 8, KALAHEO 0: Reid Matsumura spaced eight hits and Marcus Fujita hit a three-run home run in the first inning to lead the visiting Falcons.
The Mustangs out-hit the Falcons 8-6, but were hurt by nine errors.
- Kalani (6-1) 301 220 08 6 2
- Kalaheo (3-4) 000 000 00 8 9
Reid Matsumura and Preston Pires; Scott Galusha, Sonny Harbottle (5) and Jacob Myking. WMatsumura. L Galusha.
Leading hitters: KalaniMarcus Fujita 3-run homer, Dustan Goya triple, RBI. KalaheoGalusha 2-3; Sean Tamba 2-3; Cody Racoma double.
Reported by Lynn Kitamura
KAISER 10, CASTLE 1: Reyn Kimura pitched a three-hitter, striking out four, and Nyles Nakama had a two-run single in a four-run first inning for the undefeated Cougars.
Nakama finished 3 for 5, including three RBIs.
- Kaiser (7-0) 400 013 210 16 0
- Castle (2-6) 010 000 0 1 3 3
Reyn Kimura and Jarryd Maeda; Kaimi Ah New, Michael Hayasaka (6) and David Mohika. WKimura. LAh New.
Leading hitters: KaiserLandon Kaaua 2-5; Scott Uehara 2-5, 3 runs; Coby Ho 3-5, triple, 2 runs, 2 RBIs; Nyles Nakama 3-5, 3 RBIs; Maeda 2-4, double, 2 runs, Neale Asato 2-4, double. CastleAh New 2-3, double.
Reported by Joe Tom
KAILUA 24, KAIMUKI 0: The Surfriders scored 11 runs in the first inning and Matt Kinoshita hit a grand slam in the fourth in a rout over the Bulldogs.
Tyler Harrison led the Surfriders with four hits and Michael Kealoha, Kekoa Su'a, Sean Medeiros and Aaron Kent each added two hits.
- Kaimuki (1-6) 0 00 00 0 2 5
- Kailua (6-1) (11)27 4X24 18 0
Tyson Seto-Mook, Corey Morihara (3) and Janson Hew. Bronson Kamaka, Aaron Kent (3), Chris Mahelona (5) and Sean Medeiros, Ho'o Abed (4). WKamaka. LSeto-Mook.
Leading hitters: KailuaMichael Kealoha 2-3, home run, 4 runs; Tyler Harrison 4-4, 2 RBIs, 2 runs; Kekoa Su'a 2-5, double, 2 RBIs, 3 runs; Medeiros 2-4, double, 2 RBIs; Kent 2-2.
ROOSEVELT 5, FARRINGTON 1: Derek Shigano hit a two-run double in the fourth inning, scoring Ricky Eusebio and Jonathan Alarcio, to break a 1-1 tie.
Jared Fertado, who led the Rough Riders with two hits, hit a solo home run in the fifth inning.
- Farrington (3-4) 100 000 01 2 4
- Roosevelt (5-3) 100 310 x5 6 3
Brian Cabral and Matt Bell; Kalani Yoshimura and Kevin Fujii. WYoshimura. LCabral.
Leading hitters: RooseveltDerek Shigano double, 2 RBIs; Jared Fertado 2-3, home run.
Reported by Kerry Higa
PAC-FIVE 13, DAMIEN 9: Ryan Taketa and Owen Simmons each batted 3 for 4 with three runs as the Wolfpack defeated the Monarchs in an Interscholastic League of Honolulu game.
- Damien (2-10) 002 220 3 9 10 1
- Pac-five (3-8) 221 125 X13 15 3
Christian Stephenson, Brandon Baguio (3), Robert Cuizon (6), Ranson Decosta and Nick Zieser.; Tyler Inouye, Samson Aina (5), Nick Miyamoto (5) and Aaron Chilcotte. WMiyamoto. L Baguio.
Leading hitters: DamienDecosta 2-4, run. Pac5Ryan Taketa 3-4, 3 runs; Jake Mellor 2-3, double; Owen Simmons 3-4, 3 runs.
Reported by Todd Kobashigawa
BALDWIN 5, LAHAINALUNA 3: The Bears scored four runs in the top of the seventh inning, rallying from a 2-1 deficit, to defeat the Lunas last night at the Iron Maehara Stadium and remain undefeated in the Maui Interscholastic League.
Baldwin improved to 12-0, Lahainaluna dropped to 9-3.
- Baldwin (12-0) 100 000 45 6 0
- Lahainaluna (9-3) 010 100 13 7 4
Jess Kajiwara, Kalehua Moniz (7) and Aaron Joyo; Tyler Fujiwara and Charles Wallace. WKajiwara. L Fujiwara.
Leading hitters: Baldwin Kimo Klask 2-2; Shevis Shima double. LahainalunaFujiwara 3-4, 2 doubles, RBI; Creg Gumanas 2-3.
ST. ANTHONY 12, SEABURY HALL 0: Right-hander Korri Kamaka pitched a two-hitter, striking out six and walking one, in a win over the Spartans yesterday at Iron Maehara Stadium.
Travis Castillon hit a two-run home run in the sixth inning; Jareb-James Pacheco went 3 for 3 with a double and triple, and Kory Kahalekai batted 3 for 4 with a double to lead St. Anthony.
- St. Anthony (5-7) 031 40412 8 1
- Seabury Hall (0-12) 000 00X 0 3 5
Korri Kamaka, Travis Castillon (4) and Max Young; Lundie Fleming, Thomas O'Mally (4) and Sean Greengard. WKamaka. L Fleming.
Leading hitters: St. AnthonyJareb-James Pacheco 3-3, double, triple; Kory Kahalekai 3-4, double; Panfilo Bascar double; Castillon 2-run homer.
MAUI 11, MOLOKA'I 4: Curtis Russell batted 3 for 5 and Gavin Takakura and Jhared Racadio each added two hits in a win over the host Farmers yesterday.
- Maui (9-3) 600 203 011 11 3
- Moloka'i (7-5) 310 000 0 4 7 4
Cody Maeda, Joey Castro (1) and Gavin Takakura; Travis Fernandez, Albert Dudoit (7) and Dayton Wong. WCastro. LFernandez.
Leading hitters: MauiCurtis Russell 3-5; Takakura 2-5; Jhared Racadio 2-2, 3 RBIs; Maeda double, 3 RBIs. Moloka'iDudoit 4-4; Milton Loo 2-4.
KING KEKAULIKE 12, KA'AHUMANU HOU 0: Na Ali'i's Lono Kekahuna pitched a one-hitter, striking out nine, in a win over the Ali'i Lions.
Keali'i Murray and Keith Douglas each batted 2 for 3 for King Kekaulike.
- King Kekaulike (6-6) 340 5012 8 1
- Ka'ahumanu Hou (0-12) 000 0X 0 1 2
Lono Kekahuna and Keith Douglas; Ethan Cravalho, Keali'i Washington (1), Brandon Tancayo (3) and James Leonard, Cravalho (1). WKekahuna. L Cravalho.
Leading hitters: King KekaulikeKeali'i Murray 2-3, 2 doubles, 3 RBIs; Douglas 2-3.
BALDWIN 2, LAHAINALUNA 1: Jared Keyes homered in the bottom of the seventh inning to lift the Bears over the Lunas at Iron Maehara Stadium Friday.
Lahainaluna junior pitcher Preston Medeiros struck out nine and issued one walk in the loss.
- Lahainaluna (9-2) 100 000 01 6 1
- baldwin (11-0) 000 100 12 5 0
Preston Medeiros and Charles Wallace; Kai Nishiyama, Kalehua Moniz (7) and Moniz, Aaron Joyo (7). WMoniz. L Medeiros.
Leading hitters: LahainalunaWallace 2-2, double, RBI. BaldwinMarcus Makia 2-3; Shevis Shima double; Jared Keyes solo homer.
MAUI 7, MOLOKA'I 5: Sabres' closer Gavin Sakakura struck out two with the bases loaded in the seventh to secure their 7-5 win over the Farmers Friday night.
- Moloka'i (7-4) 102 010 15 9 5
- Maui (8-3) 016 000 x7 4 1
Albert Dudoit, Travis Fernandez (3) and Dayton Wong; Jon Cayan, Gavin Takakura (7) and Takakura, Jhared Racadio (7). WCayan. L Dudoit.
Leading hitters: Moloka'iMilton Loo 2-3; Preston Calario 2-3, RBI. MauiJoey Castro 2-3, RBI; Sakakura double.
MIL games reported by Rodney Higa
The Kailua boys and Kaiser girls captured the O'ahu Interscholastic Association Team Championships at Brigham Young-Hawai'i yesterday.
Kailua defeated Roosevelt, 3-1, and Kaiser held off Waipahu, 3-2.
Kailua Members: Stephan Ogasawara, Colbe Mira-Naeole, Coleman Mira-Naeole, Jason Lum, Daniel Young, Tyler Kimura, Ryan Kido, Jordan Chang.
Kaiser Members: Erika Noel, Emmellin Tung, Leyli Khosroshahi, Jaime Yoshino, Vicky Chang, Asami Nagata, Kara Akiyama, Sayaka Ono, Crystal Cheng, Richelle Hirata.
Kalani 8, Moanalua 3. Kal: Aura Braine 4, Arie Lee 3, Charlys Kiyota 1. Moan: Hannah Cho 1, Jennifer Glasgow 1, Kimberly Moore 1.
Roosevelt 15, Kaiser 7. Roos: Leilani Warren 5, Lindsay Tanigawa 4, Maria Hall 4, Marissa Young 2. Kais: Tarah Maruyama 3, Katie Putt 2, Kaetlen Bursey 1, Sesily Criado 1.
Moanalua 14, 'Aiea 6. Moan: Kimberly Moore 5, Jennifer Glasgow 4, Monica Winders 2, Hannah Cho 1, Jennifer Tam 1, Jade Ezera 1, Jessica Meggard 1. 'Aiea: Kelsey 6.
Reported by Reinhardt Lai Hipp