A free seminar on recent changes in the IRS will be offered to the public tomorrow at the HEI Training Center in Honolulu. "The New Direction of the IRS" will feature speakers from the agency and the Pacific-Northwest Citizen Advocacy Panel. The focus will be on the restructuring of the Internal Revenue Service and its impact on Hawaii taxpayers. 9 a.m. to noon. Pacific Tower, Room 805, 1001 Bishop St. For information or to register: 1-888-912-1227. Co-sponsored by the American Society of Women Accountants and the Pacific-Northwest Cap.
"Hawaii Agriculture 2001: Sustainable & Profitable Agribusiness Today." Two-day conference on variety of topics affecting sustainable agriculture, including examples of success in Hawaii. Jan. 26-27, Waiakea Villas Resort, Hilo. $125 early registration includes conference materials and meals. $150 after Jan. 19. Registration: Mae Narimatsu, UH Conference Center in Hilo, 974-7555. Information: www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu/sustainag/workshops.htm, or call Richard Bowen on Oahu 956-8419, or Paula Helfrich in Hilo at 966-5416.
The Hawaii Manufacturing Extension Project is offering a workshop for small- and medium-sized businesses in Hawaii, Jan. 29-30 in Honolulu, and Feb. 2 on Maui. The workshop: "Lean 101: Principles of Manufacturing," will examine some of the biggest issues facing manufacturers today, including how to cut overproduction, wait time and other inefficiencies. Registration, includes breakfast and lunch: $250. Employee Training Funds are available to qualified applicants. Registration: Hawaii MEPO 536-2278. Information is also on the Web site www.hawaiimep.org.
The Hawaii Chapter of the Information Systems Security Association will holds its monthly luncheon meeting Jan. 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Hale Koa Hotel. Topic: "XML: Extensible Markup Language," with Air Force Capt. John Sleggs as guest. Open to the public. $25 for nonmembers. Reservation deadline noon Jan. 17. No-show charge. Contact: Bill Musson, 473-1527.
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