Sailing a natural fit in the Islands
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By Brandon Masuoka
Advertiser Staff Writer
With our windy conditions nearly every day, learning to sail can be a breeze in Hawai'i.
"It's windy here all the time," said Scott Melander, the junior sailing director for the Hawai'i Yacht Club. "A lot of places on the Mainland, if it's not windy, you're not going to go sailing. In Hawai'i you can go sailing almost every day."
It is estimated that more than 250 individuals ages 8 to 18 learned how to sail last year on O'ahu, including a record number at the Kane'ohe Yacht Club which taught more than 150 students. In an example of its growing popularity, the Interscholastic League of Ho-nolulu introduced sailing as a sport for next spring.
Sailing instructors said it's relatively easy to learn the sport and all participants need are swimming ability, closed-toe, reef-walker type shoes, a towel, sunscreen and a life vest. Most lessons average $5 an hour and last about three weeks for a total of 45 hours.
Participants learn boating safety, boat rigging and reading wind conditions, among other lessons, and sail on 12-foot boats called "Toppers."
"We teach them in small boats," said Melander, who also coaches sailing at Maryknoll, Sacred Hearts and Punahou. "They usually sail with two people. We try to put an assistant or older child on the boat with them."
Children as young as 8 can learn sailing, but instructors said some youngsters may have difficulty understanding important sailing concepts such as the wind.
"The wind is a little abstract," Melander said. "Kids have trouble with concepts that aren't concrete. And the wind is something you can't see. So it's hard to understand where the wind is coming from."
"Some people are real fearful of capsizing, sharks, deep water and wind," Melander said. "I like kids because they don't have fears yet. The learning curve is pretty steep for kids. The process is fun for them."
Jesse Andrews, the Kane'ohe Yacht Club's junior sailing director, said sailing allows participants to become physically fit while having fun on the ocean.
"You need to be in shape to sail in the small boats because it's physically demanding," Andrews said. "The other health benefit is it's relaxing and enjoyable. It's healthy for the mind and body. It's a stress reliever; just like surfing or any other water sport."
Some people, such as Andrews, who is a former University of Hawai'i sailor and coach, enjoy entering regattas and racing sailboats.
"I think people like sailing for different reasons," Andrews said. "I like it more for the competition because I like to race against other people."
Melander said learning to sail would cost a person about $225 for a summer session. However, if a person wanted to pursue the sport, they would have to buy a boat because few places, if any, rent boats. The Hawai'i Yacht Club does not rent out boats, he said.
Melander said a topper costs about $3,000. But if people want to buy a boat, he would recommend a one-person, eight-foot El Toro which costs about $3,000 or a one-person, 14-foot Laser which costs about $4,300.
If you want to learn how to sail, there are more than a handful of sailing instruction classes on O'ahu. The cost of sailing lessons for participants ages 8 to 18 normally averages about $5 an hour at the Hawai'i Yacht Club, Kane'ohe Yacht Club and Waikiki Yacht Club. Classes usually last three weeks and take up about 45 hours. Participants must be able to swim and should wear closed-toe, reef-walker type shoes, and bring a towel and sunscreen. Life vests are provided, but instructors say it's better to buy your own life vest to ensure a proper fit. Adults may take lessons at the University of Hawai'i's Campus Center Leisure Program. To learn sailing, here are some of the places to call on O'ahu: University of Hawai'i's Campus Center Leisure Program 956-6468; Free Spirit Sailing Club 943-0017; Hawai'i Nautical 255-5170; Hawai'i Sailing Adventures 596-9696; Hawai'i Yacht Club 949-7547 or 949-4622; Kane'ohe Yacht Club 247-4121; Waikiki Yacht Club 949-7141. For more sailing information, check out these Websites:,,,