Incentives at DOE are out of whack
With as many as 64 percent of Hawai'i's principals eligible to retire in the next five years, the time to be clear about constructive incentives is now.
Tiananmen: China's day of reckoning nears
Most Chinese think they are far better off than they were a decade ago, in part because of Tiananmen. They believe these deaths were evil and unnecessary, but not in vain. It is that distinction that should convince Americans to take great care not to demonize China as it struggles to find its destiny, but rather to help shape that effort.
Island Voices
Weather forecasting is for the birds
The Weather Service does its forecasting with an extensive staff at many locations. I use a similar but unpaid staff of more than 60 birds whose behavior provides clues to the weather. By Ted Gibson, Kailua resident. |