Medical privacy law delay makes sense
Once the smoke clears at the federal level, then Hawaii can return to its local medical privacy laws and see what, if anything, needs to be done. And when that happens, it is crucial that the effort be focused clearly on first principals: protecting the rights of the individual.
Yonamine's DUI: It's an opportunity
Instead of retreating to a place of private torment because of his DUI arrest, Rep. Nobu Yonamine has the chance to share a personal victory with a community that's hungry for that sort of good news.
High-rise sprinklers must become law
The cost both in human life and in property damage of a major high-rise fire would far exceed the expense of installing sprinklers. We must not wait until that lesson is learned the hard way.
Tom Plate

Why East, West can't meet on Falun Gong
Westerners who fail to appreciate the lingering terror of China's Cultural Revolution cannot hope to understand Beijing's seeming overreaction to the religious sect.

Raising age of sexual consent
Proposed law would protect vulnerable youths
Sisters Offering Support strongly supports Senate Bill 864, prohibiting the commercial sexual exploitation of minors. This bill would protect young women and men under age 18 from use and attempted use in commercial sexual exploitation. |
Changing law would hurt those in need of help
Legislators should seriously consider the impact on teenagers and their families when deciding the age of consent. The protection of both the emotional and physical well-being of teenage victims should be the goal. |
Bush era offers hope for Asia-Pacific
Americans, and those in Hawai'i in particular, should hope that the Bush administration brings a new, better balanced U.S. interest to Asia and Pacific relations.
Mainland sees Harris as Isles' Mr. Democrat
A few years ago, political polls showed that folks weren't all that sure Harris was a Democrat. After what Harris did big time for the Gore campaign, however, there's no longer any confusion about whose party card he carries.
Jerry Burris

Hawai'i could set example for world
The wish is that Hawai'i will emerge from its sun-and-surf reputation to be a true international center for business and global exchange. Well, the wish is beginning to come true. And now we are seeing the reality of such an undertaking. |