Sunday, February 11, 2001
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Celine Hsiao, 3, set her hopes high as she tried to touch a rising kite at Ala Moana Park, but skillful efforts by her dad, Allen Hsiao of Honolulu, soon put it out of reach. It eventually ascended to 50 feet.

Bruce Asato • The Honolulu Advertiser

Newspaper sale court order
On Nov. 9, a federal judge approved the sale of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and brought an end to an anti-trust lawsuit filed by the state attorney general against Gannett Pacific Corp., which operates The Honolulu Advertiser. Download order approving the sale and the sales agreement. (Adobe Reader required, 2.3 Mb.)

Search for 9 from vessel continues
The United States formally apologized to Japan yesterday for the sinking of the Ehime Maru as the Navy faced troubling questions about why one of its newest and most sophisticated submarines burst from the sea and smashed the Japanese ship without first detecting its presence.

Crew had to stay put, Navy says
When the Ehime Maru slipped beneath the waves 10 minutes after colliding with the USS Greeneville Friday afternoon, the nuclear submarine, with more than 100 personnel aboard, did not send a single sailor overboard to rescue survivors.

Anger engulfs village by the sea in Japan
Tragedy unites seaman, principal
Sub's skipper quickly reassigned
Federal investigative team arrives
Powell expresses regret to Japanese
U.S.-Japan relations expected to survive fallout from tragedy
Vessel sank in high-use sub zone
See a Flash presentation showing what happened when the USS Greeneville surfaced. Flash 4 plug-in is required.

UH athletics outspends revenues
The University of Hawai'i's perennially successful women's volleyball team and the school's major attraction, its football team, have fallen a combined $353,000 short of what the programs were projected to earn, records show.

community calendar
Hawai'i events
military briefing
News in uniform

Abercrombie top spender among federal candidates
Hawai'i candidates for federal office in 2000 raised a total of more than $2 million in the last two years, led by Democratic Rep. Neil Abercrombie.
Honolulu drivers register online
Those who wait until the last minute to renew their motor vehicle registration now have another avenue to get it done: the Internet.
Swordfish longlining proposed
Fishery interests have proposed a new plan that would allow increased longlining for swordfish, now restricted by federal court order, while studying methods for reducing the inadvertent hooking of endangered turtles.
Mililani schools 'maxed out'
A plan by Castle & Cooke Homes Hawai'i to add hundreds of homes in Mililani Mauka has raised community questions about the impact on schools.
Female prisoners enter work force
Nineteen months ago, opportunities increased for prisoners at the Women's Community Correction Center in Kailua. Today they're being trained and finding jobs with the help of Windward residents.
Abercrombie backs tax bill
U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie has rejoined forces with proponents of repealing the estate tax.
Climate study covers Pacific, links nations' weather research elements
Hawai'i sits in the middle of an ocean whose weather processes are only marginally understood, but an international team of researchers hopes to change that.
Madagascar geckos threaten habitat
A new, large lizard species has become established on Oahu, wildlife officials say. The Madagascar giant day gecko, bright green with orange spots, can grow to a foot long.
Haleakala telescope project would focus on students
There's a plan in the works to open up the universe above Science City on Haleakala to students and astronomers of all ages, both in Hawai'i and the United Kingdom.
Amfac to supply Kaua'i Electric
Amfac's power plant at its old Lihu'e Mill will keep providing Kauai Electric with electricity under an agreement approved by the state Public Utilities Commission.
Maui events to focus on humpback whales
The world of humpback whales is the subject of talks tomorrow and Tuesday on Maui.
Columnist bar image
Bob Image Bob Krauss
Pacific has its very own Greenspan
Wali Osmon's contacts with the South Seas have become state occasions attended by prime ministers and high chiefs. That's because Wali Osmon is to the South Seas what Alan Greenspan is to the United States, its ultimate economic guru.
Lee Image Lee Cataluna
Despite state loot, 'Baywatch' no sunken treasure
"Baywatch" was on its way down the drain when it moved to Hawai'i. The ratings were sagging, the novelty was gone and several of the "name" actors had already bailed.
Jan Image Jan TenBruggencate
More Isles vehicles run on cooking oil
The cooking oil-based diesel fuel business is slowly but steadily growing in Hawai'i. Pacific Biodiesel produces 10,000 gallons a month.
Mike Image Mike Leidemann
Time for Hawai'i to cash in
Gov. Ben Cayetano thinks it's time Hawai'i joined the nationwide trend of renaming arenas for a fistful of dollars. Here are some ideas for renaming Aloha Stadium.

Page Posted On: Sunday, February 11, 2001
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