Budget shortfall may hurt bus service
The private company that runs the city bus system is warning that the budget for this year is expected to fall about $5.2 million short, which could prompt some cuts in service.
House caught in struggle over blocked bills
Bickering between Republicans and Democrats stopped the state House cold Thursday and yesterday after Republicans used a series of floor maneuvers to stall action on more than 100 bills.
Hearing on OHA shutdown delayed
A hearing on a Honolulu residents request that a federal judge halt operations at OHA and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands until trial has been delayed until May 2.
Hawai'i briefs
Brushfire quickly put out in Ma'ili; District Court judge named; Attorney general to leave hospital; Ex-officer gets five years for threats; Judge releases pregnant suspect.
Maui meetings to tackle traffic
It's rush hour for public meetings that aim to come up with solutions to Maui's traffic woes. Several meetings are being planned over the next few weeks.
Bob Krauss |
Sing a song of gratitude for a cure
Promptly at 11 a.m. yesterday a barbershop quartet showed up at Dr. Linda Chiu's office on Uluniu Street and sang "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." This was followed by a tender rendition of "Heart of My Heart."
Lee Cataluna |
Weathering mother's wisdom
When it comes to rainstorms, telephones, computers and electrical shocks, who do you believe the Fire Department, the phone book, Dr. Gadget or mom?
Jan TenBruggencate |
New kind of landfill emerging
Several Mainland and foreign areas are experimenting with a new kind of landfill one that actively composts trash in one-tenth or less the time of a standard landfill.
Mike Leidemann |
Yonamine faced the music like a man
Just a week after being arrested for drunken driving, state Rep. Noboru Yonamine went in front of his constituents, ready to take his lumps. No hiding, no excuses.