Washington Place plan a gift to entire state
First Lady Vickie Cayetano and Jim Bartels, the irrepressible Washington Place director and historian, are proposing building a new residence for the governor, then the historic Washington Place itself could be renovated and converted into a living museum and official gathering place for the state. It's a good idea.
Bush economy meeting sent the wrong signal
It is wrong, President-elect Bush suggested, to signal that access to the president and his policy-making agenda can be bought with contributions or special influence. Exactly so. And that was precisely the signal generated by a series of private economic meetings he convened.
Island Voices

Finding our 'sense of place'
A sense of place is hard to define, but we know when it's missing - and to find it we must look for Hawai'i's 'soul.' By David A. Miller, CEO of Architects Hawai'i. |