
Although Kiwi Camara often becomes the center of attention, those who know him say hes a modest person. Camara graduates from Hawai'i Pacific University on Wednesday.
Richard Ambo The Honolulu Advertiser
O'ahu Calendar
Parrot invasion worries Maui
Wildlife experts are worried that a parrot flock in Huelo, estimated at 150 to 200 birds, will continue its rapid growth and spread into other areas, playing havoc with Maui's environment and agriculture.
Teen genius 'not that different'
By any measure other than his own, Kiwi Camara has hurried through life. He read by age 3, scattered words such as "hallucinating" in conversation by age 5 and always finished books for the next school year before the end of summer.
Honolulu Advertiser SPECIAL REPORT |
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In a special report, "The State of the Hawaiian," The Advertiser examines the impact of political decisions on the status of Hawaiians and the soul of the 'ohana. |
Court criticized for parole ruling
The second decision written by former civil rights lawyer Dan Foley since he joined the state court of appeals has sparked a vigorous debate about crime and punishment in Hawai'i.
Farrington death toll unabated
From 1990 through last year, 70 people have lost their lives in traffic accidents on Farrington Highway between Honokai Hale and Ka'ena Point, statistically one of the most dangerous stretches of asphalt in the state.
Local fiesta celebrates three kings
From the Catholic Mass at St. John the Baptist Church to the party at the United Puerto Rican Association Social Hall, it was El Dia de Los Reyes yesterday in Hawai'i, a celebration as important as Easter and Christmas.
Ship logs help track rainfall, drought
Meteorologist from around the world studying medium-term climate variability will be sharing their data during this week in Honolulu, at the International Climate Research Conference, running today through Friday.
Long-thorned kiawe on agriculture hit list
A species of kiawe with thorns so long and hard that they can easily pierce not only flesh but truck tires has been spotted recently at Ma'ili Beach Park, and state officials are mounting an effort to stop its spread.
Waialua community kitchen workshop planned
Supporters of establishing a community kitchen to Waialua are promoting a workshop being organized this month to help entrepreneurs think through their businesses and create plans they'll need to apply for loans.
O'ahu briefs
Two in canoes among rescued; Volunteers recognized; Club to honor volunteer; Free computer classes offered; Fire damages Kailua church
Bob Krauss |
Here's why pro golfers love to go to Kapalua
Kimberly Mikami Svetin is manager for activities at the Ritz-Carlton resort on Maui. One of the amenities at the Ritz is a tuxedo-clad butler who draws bubble baths for guests at $50 a bath. That includes a bottle of champagne.
Lee Cataluna |
Who's to blame for aerial that killed Lillian?
It's been said before about a long list of dangers: What's it going to take? Does somebody have to die before we do something to stop this? Well, somebody did die because of the New Year's fireworks insanity.
Jan TenBruggencate |
Lawsuits a catch-22 for agency
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Hawai'i has in recent years made a consistent complaint when it is sued to force compliance with environmental laws: It says the lawsuits, instead of helping, are in fact getting in the way.
Mike Leidemann |
Find the answers in the questions
Sometimes, reading the newspaper raises a lot more questions than it answers. Most of the newspaper stories at the start of this year have left me wondering who has those answers. All I've got are questions.