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Back issues for Friday, March 16, 2001
Articles for March 16, 2001
Local News
Pay raises would mean budget cuts, Cayetano says
Greeneville skipper offers to testify
Gunman targets Kaua'i police
UH regents raise tuition
Governor concedes HGEA is winning pay issue
Mansho's problems with city growing
Mercury cleanup may take weeks
Students struggle with UH tuition
In Court
Settlement expected in Medicaid fraud case
Booster seat requirement for younger keiki expected
Legislature 2001
Bunda proposes panel to study legal gambling
Symphony's Robert S. DeMello dead at 66
Eight survive fire in Kalihi Valley home
O'ahu briefs
Contamination cleanup tests residents' patience
Neighbor Island briefs
Man indicted in theft from postal union
Effects of fishing ban may be felt soon
Kaua'i holds line on property tax rate
Neighbor Islands
2002 Maui County budget unveiled
Some want kiteboarding banned at Waimanalo
Kahalu'u neighbors split over home plan
Judge OKs Diamond Head home
Gunman forces Punchbowl area evacuations
Arakawa probe continues in grand jury
Q&A on the possible teachers strike
Navy plan would tow Ehime Maru to depth of 90 feet
Rescue effort risky, sub officer recalls
Wahine roll past Santa Clara, 73-57
Hawai'i men's basketball team ready for Big Dance
Samoan influence prevalent on Warriors' team
Recreation: Riding a natural high
Hawai'i takes on USC in league home finale
Jones: 'no memory' of crash
Hawai'i needs to keep an eye on Shumpert
Hiking Report
Plenty to see along Hanakapi'ai Trail
Maui Marathon continues its run
Isle File
Wai'anae boxer in semifinals
Wahine get boost from loyal fans
March Grand Sumo Tournament
Island Life
Official to give lecture about Doris Duke estate
Students stretch hairstyle boundaries
Society of Seven founds Las Vegas group
Tube Notes
TGIF Weekend calendar
Scores of volunteers hailed for selfless work
DeLima to hop into da easter spirit wih show
Who's who in SOS Las Vegas
Resurgence enlivens Waikiki
New Star-Bulletin hits snags
Waikoloa complex to expand further
Owner cuts jobs at KHON, KGMB
Adobe barely matches expectations
AMR warns it will post first-quarter loss
Mac nut firm's payout drops
Napster's MP3s begin to vanish
Police sweeping vendors off streets in Waikiki
Island Voices
Cigarette smokers trashing Waikiki
Letters to the Editor
U.S., China on edge amid opening moves
Strike would wipe out a creative opportunity