Sunday, January 14, 2001
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Charles Kauluwehi Maxwell Sr. of Pukalani tries to will his 'aumakua, the shark, to approach him at the Maui Ocean Center aquarium.

George Wolf

Lit Beat

Sharks as 'aumakua
In Western culture, the shark epitomizes the rapacious predator, which, when it kills, must be killed. But the relationship between traditional Hawaiians and sharks was, and is, far more complex.
Sharks benefit from efforts to protect their environment
Safety tips help reduce risk of shark attack

Art Review
Art puts new perspective on 'jet set'

Always energetically pushing the envelope of the avant-garde in Hawai'i, Rich Richardson of Salon 5 has organized a tribute to travel inside his gallery walls. "Jet Set," the latest installation, features work of 30 invited artists.
Art Calendar

After the honeymoon is over
Positive influences on the young matter

Art Review
Whimsical menagerie takes human qualities

The phrase "It's raining cats and dogs" was the inspiration for Rochelle Lum's solo show at the neighborly bibelot gallery in Kaimuki.
Hawai'i Ways
Small-kid time packed with play
Small-kid time in the '40s and '50s brings back vivid memories of when life was so much simpler. It seems that we all experienced the same kinds of adventure and games as children growing up then.
Animal Companions
Citizen volunteers provide care for Islands' feral cats
Cats have been abundant in Hawai'i for more than a hundred years, and are still very popular; there are approximately 150,000 owned cats just on O'ahu.
Hawai'i Gardens
Blossoms of lehua haole brighten winter landscape
Calliandra inequilatera is one of the bright, gorgeous flowering plants that bloom in the winter to brighten our sometimes dreary, gray and wet days.
Snoop Dogg, Kirk Franklin booked here

Platinum-selling rapper Snoop Dogg and hot gospel/hip-hop performer Kirk Franklin will compete for urban music fans on Feb. 2 when the popular performers appear in separate O'ahu concerts.
Pucker up, guys! Women love it
Men do like to kiss. It's just that women really, really like kissing. Three out of four women think the activity is more intimate than having sex, according to an Internet query of 100,000 kissers.
After the honeymoon is over
Couples spend lots of time getting ready for their weddings, but the same type of attention usually doesn't go into preparing for the day-to-day struggles of actual marriage.

Get ready for a load of critical paperwork
Newly married couples face an enormous number of practical tasks to mesh their lives together legally and financially.

Bridal Expo offers advice on gowns, cakes, the works
The 11th annual Hawaii Wedding Expo begins on Friday, and organizers are promising that it will be a useful starting point for wedding planning.

Positive influences on the young matter
Can any single negative influence lead a child down the wrong path? Psychologist and author James Garbarino doesn't think so.

Exercise bolsters vitality, even in senior years
Most senior patients who seem to be in great health have one thing in common: They all exercise daily.
Family Matters
Homework environment needs cultivation
Walking the narrow path between being too involved in children's homework and not being involved enough can be a real challenge for parents.
Hawai'i Nature Squad
Some bugs aren't really bugs at all
The Hawai'i Nature Squad investigates reports of some tasty bugs, only to discover they are actually distant cousins of crustaceans.
For Better , For Worse
Don't underestimate his guts when it comes to romance
When Eunice Geston Fukunaga's love, Devin, asked her to marry him, he surprised her in a very, very public fashion.
Honorable Mention
Strength in each other their key to success
Daniel Mitsunaga, with devoted help from his wife Catherine, overcame learning disabilities to earn a degree in economics from the University of Hawai'i.
Health Q&A
Garlic praised for lowering cholesterol
Good news for garlic lovers: Some studies have found that certain forms of garlic can lower total cholesterol levels.
Family Fare
'Finding Forrester' casts against type
The just-released movie "Finding Forrester" is recommended for viewing by mature teens and adults.
Fun House
Halloween goblin's career short but sweet
Glenda Chung Hinchey of Foster Village tells how she was outwitted by her young daughter, Maria, who figured out a way to thwart the Halloween goblin.
Vaccine with unwieldy name recommended for infants
National experts are recommending that heptavalent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine be added to childhood immunization schedules.
Wayne Harada
• Show Biz
Don Ho heads benefit; 'Comedy Shack' is back
"I'll Remember You" is the theme of the Arthritis Foundation's annual fund-raiser, from 4 p.m. Jan. 21 at Don Ho's Island Grill at Aloha Tower Marketplace. Don Ho, honorary chairman, will appear.

• Island Sounds
Kapena mixes past and future
Kapena's first CD of 2001 is a 10-tune sampler that reflects the group's reign as one of the best contemporary Hawaiian music groups in the Islands.

Audio sample of "Ta'u Koula" by Kapena in mp3 or RealAudio format. RealAudio requires a plug-in.

Joan Namkoong
• Market Basket
Local papayas a good source of vitamins

Hawaii-grown papayas are available all year, a rich source of vitamins A and C and one of the sweetest fruits around.
Page Posted On: Sunday, January 14, 2001
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